Yes Neil, I think most of us have had the embarrassing fish-on moment.
Had mine at Earlswood Lakes in the late sixties when fishing into dark with half a dozen school mates.
My ten foot very soft action solid glass rod was bent double trying to land an absolute whopper, and the shout went up that Taylor was in !
As was the way I very soon found myself surrounded by six gawping mates all shining torches into my swim trying to catch a first glimpse of the Earlswood leviathan.
The corks on my rod were creaking as the "fish" ( lurching from side to side ) came towards the net,.... then , in the multiple spotlights, a perfectly hooked size 8 bumper boot , full of silt, broke the surface,....oh the indignity of it all !
Still carry the mental scars to this day.