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Dean Aston

Senior Member
Not done any barbel fishing yet but been blanking after eels (40 and more blanks) till this one turn up 4 lb 7 oz bigger to come I hope. Yes no pink but my pants are :p

by the time that's had a couple of washes with a strong enough detergent to get that eel snot off, that will be pink Dean :D

Cheers, Dave.
I caught two lake eels recently 4lb and 2lb , didnt mean to ,,honest.
They were both very docile out of water,unlike the wriggly little critters you get on the rivers.
Is it the norm with big eels not cause havoc on the bank ??
Some can be as good as gold others a pain in the bum.Bit advice more you fight with them on bank more they fight back
Dean, we all know who to blame now if Barry is discovered wandering around a lake somewhere, a broken man, mumbling 'Just one...I only wanted one...is that to much to ask?' :D

Cheers, Dave.
First year I caught lots. Second year I caught 5 jaha quite tough this eeling lark. Lots of people contacted me when I said I want to catch big eels saying don't Baz, life's too short haha.
Fishing a local carp venue just before xmas my buddy gave me a shout from the next swim down, caught on sausage pellets we weighed it 6lb 6oz.. very well behaved on the bank and what an impressive creature it was too,nicely lip hooked... biggest i've ever seen on the bank, my best was 3.5lb from the bristol avon and this was a monster compared to that...