Keep pushing and nip it in the bud.

Top Man..I was going to say push forward now and don't leave it resting. The EA flood defence team will probably spend another £100,000 in the meantime on drawing up more destructive plans and of course keep themselves in work etc, to where then there will be no turning back.
If the document is not forthcoming, then ask 'now' for it under the 'Freedom of Information Act', if you have not done this already. You should get it within 21 days this way otherwise it may/will be delayed by the EA if they don't want the information released. Fish Legal is the best way to go on this acting for a club! and you might get it quicker.
It is best to get in there quick to let the EA know you and others are on their case and which may disrupt and hinder their plans, 'before' they are finalised.
Keep the wildlife trusts and Natural England informed and ask them to become active quickly in this matter....
Ask the EA for the 'Impact Assessment' document to show what negative effects might occur. They probably have not carried this out as it needs the input and co-operation from the EA Fisheries department and Natural England..
Get on the the local papers quickly and report what is going down and what Environmental Destruction to wildlife etc is about to happen.
Best to keep it on the side that you are a avid wildlife and bird conservationist etc and not just the fishing side, as mentioned.
The RSPB is another who should be informed.
Finally, if no joy, get Graham down there and padlock him to one of the dredgers.

The EA do not like being photographed or video filmed at doing damage to the Environment, so this needs to be done if they go ahead. Inform the EA that reporters and environmentalists will be filming them.
In this way, you will definately get major media and TV coverage and bring it out in the open.
Nice one Ian/julian/Graham etc...Keep going..Ray