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Dorset Stour Record- 19lb 7oz Barbel!

Richard Mawson

Active Member
Posted on the Christchurch Angling website yesterday are reports that a 19lb 7oz Barbel has been caught from a club stretch of the Stour which will be a new Stour record.

I'm looking forward to reading more about this when the details are published.
wow, that's huge and very believable.

Sure is, a belter of a fish. But considering the reports on the scarcity of barbel of any size in the Stour these days, it does rather point towards what I was carrying on about recently...less equals more...for a while anyway :rolleyes:

Cheers, Dave.
Congratulations to the captor..Ive seen some very big Barbel in the Stour but like someone has said there are not any large numbers in there..Ive spent a whole day from morning to night walking for miles just trying to spot one but when you do they usually are big girls..Ive seen 2 Big barbel this year which i would estimate to be 15lb+..;)