Barbel are a native species. They were not native to all river systems and still are not. Introducing them to a river system where they don't presently spawn would be illegal. The spread of Barbel to other river systems was carried out legally. I would strongly oppose any illegal introductions of Barbel in the same way as I oppose other illegal introductions. I also recognise that the spread of Barbel, whilst great for us Barbel anglers, has harmed other fish stocks. I think it is about time we stopped messing about with and started to mange our rivers to create a balance of species rather than for any particular species to unnaturally it, Trout, Barbel or whatever happens to be the favoured fish..
Just because a species has been introduced in the past, legally as with Barbel, it doesn't mean we should support or encourage the illegal introduction of species not only unknown to some, but unknown to all rivers in the UK.
Catfish and King Carp have no place in our rivers and have been illegally or irresponsible introduced. With Zander it is a little more difficult as the original introduction was carried out legally, although the spread to other rivers was not.