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Cigarette smell on cork handle

Dave Quinn

Senior Member & Supporter
I have just bought two rods from someone I assume enjoys a smoke while trotting. The rods are in good nick except for the cigarette smell that is deeply ingrained in the top part of the handle.

Any hints how to get rid of the smell, it's so bad on one of the rods I'm not sure I'll be able to use it
I had the same on an air rifle case and stock, to a lesser degree. A few washes of the case soon saw the smell disappear. The stock sorted itself.

I'd suggest a few washes with fairy and a light scourer.
Is this another spoof thread....or is someone really concerned about the smell of their butt?? :O
Dave, your best bet would be to get a gas grade face mask from a good builders merchant and some surgical gloves for now.
The smell will be gone in about 10 years.

A light coating of n-butyric acid brushed on to the cork will do the trick. After a few seconds you won't be able to detect even a whiff of cigarette smoke.;)
Dave, your best bet would be to get a gas grade face mask from a good builders merchant and some surgical gloves for now.
The smell will be gone in about 10 years.

I'll have broken the tip off it a long time before then. Either that or we'll all be fishing for otters by then
a diluted fairy liquid in warm water and a scrubbing brush will bring the cork gleaming clean and no smoke smell but dry it off with a cloth and put in a warm place to dry it properly, dont try to disguise it with flavouring as youll taint your bait every time you touch it;):)
Is there only me thinking how does he hold a rod and a fag in the same hand whilst trotting?wouldnt the fag be in his other hand that would only touch the reel?
Any way vinegar and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)will do the trick,add these to some water and rub into the handle.
Vim or Ajax was what we used to use in the 70's. Made to a paste and applied with a scrubbing brush.

Not sure those products are available these days.
I Soaked it in soapy water in the bath, then lightly scrubbed the cork with a soapy nail brush and its almost gone
I Soaked it in soapy water in the bath, then lightly scrubbed the cork with a soapy nail brush and its almost gone

Put it out in the fresh air now Dave and it will probably fade completely :)