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Chat room

Haydn Clarke

Senior Member & Supporter
Just a thought I had. Would one be viable on this site? I know there is one on the site with a similar name to this. I have had a look over there but it's not really my bag, just seems to be people calling each other names and that. Might be good on here though.
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The Chairman on Wednesday

Subject: Chat

Looked in on a "chatroom" once (and only once).

Lot of "banter", as the low-browed, big-nosed, cerebrally challenged, well-subscribed British chapter of the Neanderthal Society are at pains to call it, but mostly, to my mind, it appeared to be trying to get orf with a mistaken-for female of the Neanderthal species and offering dire threats to anyone of one's own gender.

Now, this BFW chatroom...

There would be Me with my no insult knowingly overlooked, earthiest of earthy Anglo-Saxon, Kevin with his fluent Ukrainian, Russian and most shades of Serbo-Kroat, the delectable Lady Guides with their siren-song Estonian, Latvian and most points European East...

Are you and BFW and Society (what remains of it) ready for us, I wonder?

As ever,

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I have experiance of chat rooms - not all good ,they can be a bit of a gladiator's areana .people feeling empowered by the anonymous nature of the chatrooms (often with multible log ins) fighting battles by proxie ,feeling invincible .

they require contant Vigilance and a shift blow to dispatch ,the unworthy ,that was the good (fun ) bit seeing how many "faszfej's" you can ban ,each session.


I have also presided over ,good Q&A instant chat sessions ,where someone of intrest answers questions live ,and people wait there turn too ask questions (all chat is moderated so no butting in ,until answer given) ,having a referee /chairperson ,so its not a free for all .but allowing the free flow of infomation (whilst screaning out the idiots) ,the chairperson also has the role of asking questions sent in from members not there (via Pm's prior too the session) its a good way too gleam information on a tactic or method or just in general from the person of intrest .
I just remembered something that happened about a decade ago, when I first got on the internet. I was an AOL user back then and they had their own chat rooms. I can remember an old friend of mine telling me all about it, how good it was, and how I must try it out. The very first time I went into a chat room called "pub" I was promptly offered out, West-Ham-hooligan-styley: "Come on then! You ****ing want some, you shlag?"

Funny the first time, maybe even second time too, but it did get a little bit boring.

Maybe not such a good idea. I'll shut up and get back in my box.
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Hayden that sounds a bit like some episodes on the old site. Was it on the river Goyt last year that someone was threatening to take on all comers at the local pub?
Their should not be the problem of the anonymous banter on here, as the whole idea of the re birth was to make everybody available to see, could work on here, and if it doesent it can allways be closed down.
Go on give it a go.
Hayden that sounds a bit like some episodes on the old site. Was it on the river Goyt last year that someone was threatening to take on all comers at the local pub?

that was me, after being abused by countless pms and getting given unneccessery grief by people who hide behind false names and avatars, needless to say no repeat of anything like that on the new and improved forum. i dont mind abit of banter but some people go to far especially when they hide behind false names and avatars.
everyone i,ve ever met on the banks of the goyt or any river for that matter has been nothing but nice and i,ve made some good friends through bfw so god knows who these losers were
Agree with you there Jerry. Why do people hide behind silly names? I dont answer my phone if it has "withheld" on the caller ID.
I think now having to 'wear' our real names would rather be a non starter in a cage fighting scenario, although I when channel hopping through the millions of free view channels I never watch, happened to stumble on a cage fighting programme and thought it was a bit odd that the contestants used their real names..so that got me wondering if your real name does actually shape your personality? I was 'blessed' with being a Smart, which somewhat leaves a bit exposed for the more sharper witted amongst my member friends on here...indeed a certain member soon picked up on it and now often calls me Smart Arse:(

I do remember in the 'old days' on here when some members bestowed upon themselves titles such as Barbel Basher or even Slayer, and so on, I often wondered if their real names were just a bit too boring and needed to add a bit of colour perhaps. Or even exaggerate their angling prowess?

So anyway if there was such a room on here I really thing we would need to have our real name disguised and revert to our nom de plum (sp?) to strike fear into the opposistion...Neil Smart would just not work.
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..so that got me wondering if your real name does actually shape your personality? I was 'blessed' with being a Smart, which somewhat leaves a bit exposed for the more sharper witted amongst my member friends on here...indeed a certain member soon picked up on it and now often calls me Smart Arse:( .

Some of what you were wondering is explained here Neil - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Freakonomics-Economist-Explores-Hidden-Everything/dp/0713998067

And apparently your name does go some way to shaping your personality. It's a good read and I heartily reccomend it.
so that got me wondering if your real name does actually shape your personality? I was 'blessed' with being a Smart, which somewhat leaves a bit exposed for the more sharper witted amongst my member friends on here...indeed a certain member soon picked up on it and now often calls me Smart Arse:(

Cruel world isn't it?! ;):)

I've only exploited this chink in your armour once, so who else is so bloody crass as to "often call" you it, name and shame.:eek::)
The Chairman on Saturday

Subject: Names and Breeding

A couple now:

1) Paul Boote. Clearly some clodhopping son of the soil or suburban oik likely to breed indiscriminately and make unsubstantiated claims (including Angling, literary, benefit and compensation - all fraudulent, naturally). Not to be trusted.

2) Bertram Beauchamps Bt (might be Url Beauchamps for all I know - can't keep up with Post-Conquest honorifics for services rendered / perceived enemies shafted). Clearly a well-bred man of impeccable breeding from a long line of conquerors, landowners and, more lately, bankers (private, family bank, not some High Street grin and bear it) and entrepreneurs. A man to be voted for and trusted implicitly (but perhaps not with one's ladyfolk; posers and flyfishers might have cause to be anxious, too).

As ever,
