Steve Jeffery
Senior Member & Supporter
Nice clip Ian!I knew it wasn't a good idea to go wading yesterday, the river was 17 inches above the maximum level I usually wade out in. Due to several factors I don't like wading when the river has this much water on, one of them being the power of the flow against me when standing on slippy bolders of various sizes, not being able to see the bottom and where I am stepping, and I really dislike wearing chest waders lol.
Anyhow, as I expected the session was a disaster, I only managed a chub of a couple of pounds and a small barbel. Even after pulling my bait pouch up high on my waist the bottom of it was in the water and my magg's got soaked and you know how horrible it is when that happens. Very shortly after catching the little barbel the wind picked up and it started raining...horizontal rain!... so I decided to cut the session down to less than an hour.
My drennan acolyte specimen float rods still haven't had their metal tested properly, fingers crossed for the next time out with them.
Even if i'd caught a large chub or barbel yesterday I wouldn't have waded back to the bank with it to take a picture, but I may have switched my camera on as I did with the tiddler yesterday...
Think we met on the river a week or so ago and had a chat. I recognise the rod/reel combo and the greys jacket. I was the guy fishing upstream from you, who found that huge pike lure