Richard Isaacs
Senior Member & Supporter
I’ve used the mark 1 armalites before and they are lovely rods. Stunning blanks that almost look like they are Kevlar wrapped or something.Hi Richard ,I am using Century Armalite Mk 3 Cork ,I have the 1.75 and 2.25 and find them perfect for my fishing on the Trent ,both sets of rods have a Nice through Action and cast the weights I use with ease .There is also quite a number of Carp present in the Areas of the Trent I fish,and I mostly use Boilies so when the tip goes round it could quite easily be a carp although Barbel are more common.I also have a pair of 2.75 which I will use in Winter when the River is carrying a lot of water .I have tried Torrix,Hi S specialist and Daiwa rods and the Armalites are Perfect for me .I also like the Alps reel seats ,much better than the Hi S clone seats which had to be screwed up very tight to stop the reel seat coming undone.I realise I will be in the minority on here by using what is essentially Carp rods , but there are some big powerful Barbel and Carp in the Trent nowadays and I would rather be overgunned on occasions rather than undergunned and take to long to land These fish .
Pleased you found what you wanted