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Carp Fishing Help

Neil Rogers

Active Member
Hi All
Just like to ask for a bit of info from the Carp Angler's on the site.
Which backleads do you find the best the one's that pin your line down off the end of the rod tip.
Have tryed a few makes and a lot seem to come off when playing the fish near the net.:(
Or is it not just me who loose's them.
Anyway which make do you find the Best for the job as they are not cheap.

Tight line's
Korda flying backleads work well enough and are pretty hard to lose. However, they won't work from the tip of the rod. The only option that I think you've got are the Fox captive backleads. No chance of losing them and they do work from the rod tip. whether you'll get on with them is another matter entirely.
i don't what was going on but those korda flying ones always fall off for me..:eek:
If you're not fishing too far out, and i'm not convinced back leads are much use for distance fishing, i would strongly recommend using X Line. It's flourocarbon and sinks like a brick. I use it in 17lb - it's very thin - and it is really easy to use with a bit of care.

It's not cheap - but if you want to keep the line out of the way of spooky carp - you won't look back.
Which backleads do you find the best the one's that pin your line down off the end of the rod tip.

That all i wanted to know lad's not start a war.
Which backleads do you find the best the one's that pin your line down off the end of the rod tip.

That all i wanted to know lad's not start a war.

I guess you must mean between David and myself. However, I don't even see a minor disagreement let alone a war.:confused: All I see is a differing experiences of a single product and we are discussing why we've had such different experiences. No dramas from my end. If David sees it differently then he's only got to say.;)
as for back leads under the rod tip, use korda's clip on back leads, just cast out and clip on the line, let them slide down the line and set the rods, but don't tighten right up, easy.
Neil, please excuse this if you are already aware but its of use to other guys too who arent so i am posting this,
if there are bars between the bank and the bait then all a backlead under the rod will do is to create a tight line off the bottom between any bars that are between your bait and your rod, if its because of wind on your line from water to rodtop then just sink a couple of inches of rodtip underwater,
i hope this can help some who dont realise....j.w
Ah, but, if you use a good fluorocarbon mainline such as X-Line and do not tighten up as Dave pointed out, the line will sink down hard and follow the bottom contours from the backlead. I tend yo use a korda flying backlead which in many cases I will semi fix with a pair of drennan grippa stops about 4 to 6 feet up the line from the main lead, sink the line, then drop a clip on back lead into the margin. The clip on backlead is there simply to stop a hooked fish from going through and disturbing my other lines............
I do most of my carping on rivers and canals and this is where backleads off the rod tops really come in to their own as boats can be a nightmare, I normally go for plasticine or just a cheapo lead on a paperclip, does the job a good'un :)

I use anything heavy enough (from 2 SSG to 1oz) attached to a plastic curtain ring that has been cut through at 45 degrees with a stanley knife to allow it to be slid on the mainline after casting out. If you worry about it being flung off during the fight or just falling off, slip a bit of silicon tube onto the curtain ring and slide it over the cut after slipping the line in. Sounds more complicated than it is.

Biggest advantage for me is sinking the line out of harms way when you are playing fish in over other line(s).

I've had bad experiences with 17lb X line where its parted unexpectedly under almost no pressure so personally wouldn't use it again.
ian, i would love to see that on one of the pits i fished for carp mate, hell we even tried single strand stainless wire tied up in big bows to stop getting cut off on those bars...j.w