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Cardinal Problem


I'm itching to know if my suspicion on page 1 regarding the hexagon inside the handle was correct?? I do have a spare brand new handle in my spares box too.
For the money, the XTEA is not all its cracked up to be – its ok in a flood on a bigger river – plenty of cranking power, but too heavy for stalking on smaller streams hence why I like the 54’s!

I agree that they're rather heavy for stalking on small streams, but I find them just fine on the Ouse, for example.

For my lighter rods I've got one of those Shimano mini-baitrunners which I find rather nice.

will let you know tomorrow Ian, going to have a look tonight, I have 3 54's in all (one is a mates) so I'll compare the spindles!
Dan , sorry to hear about your Cardinal problem , more than a little vexing with a charging barbel on the end of the line . Unless Ians suggestion is correct it sounds like it's been put back together incorrectly . I reckon this debate on clutches is a bit pointless . I have have fished with a number of Shimano reels some have smooth clutches others would be outclassed by my ancient Mitchells . For whats it's worth I have found the Cardinal 54 's to be reliable , well engineeered with consistent clutch operation . My first Barbel of this season was caught from a snaggy swim using a 1954 mitchell 301 , clutch worked fine , with just a little backwind for old times sake .....:)

I'm itching to know if my suspicion on page 1 regarding the hexagon inside the handle was correct?? I do have a spare brand new handle in my spares box too.

Spot on Ian, on a closer inspection the hexagon inside the handle was starting to round off - new handles here I come! not cheap at £25 each though!!!!!
Dan, is the hexagon on the gear in tact? If that is worn it will soon round off your new handle too, it is harder steel so should be ok.
I will be seeing Mike Wilson tonight I will mention your Cardinal problem to him.

Mike has been using Cardinals since he purchased his first one upon returning from America on the maiden voyage of the Lusitania!!

Not much he doesn't know about keeping vintage parts working!!:)

Out of interest, what year are your '54s? Both myself and Mike have very early ones that have different handle connections than the later models. The threads have gone and we've not been able to find replacement handles.

it sounds like the shaft that the handel fits on is posable moveing in the cog that is fitted to it try takeing the side plate off and holding winding cup try winding in if if is

can be fixed with weleding brazeing or you could try runing super glue round the joint where the cog fits on to the shaft

had this happen with the old 506 in the past