Yeah i realised that after i posted it, but i couldn't be bothered to delete! Garcia was some frog chap who did no real harm, Leeda ? now thats a different story
My Shimano list by the way
3500 triton sea spins, good front drag/ worst line lay of any reel i've ever seen !
4500 aero baitrunners, 1 years Piking and the gears on all 3 collapsed
8000 aerlex, bought for spodding, gears stripped within a month, replacement one did the same.
4000 stradic fighting drags, clutches all packed up as did my mates.
10,000 XTE, clutches all sticking now
5000 XTEAs Pretty good so far !
So as you can see i,ve given them a fair go !
Wurzel, All far east ABU stuff is not good, last fixed spool reel made in Sweden was the Suveran and that was !!