I have bought the banktech smartphone camera adapter which Clive helpfully linked to and used it for the first time yesterday when catching a couple of 8lb fish,nothing huge yet but I live in hope
First impressions are it is an excellent piece of kit,well engineered and a neat design.I use it with my Gardner camera adapter enabling it to be screwed onto a standard bankstick.I can now use the smartphone to take fish pictures,it is more precise as I can use the rear camera,get a preview on the phone screen,shout ''shoot''using voice activation and get everything in shot.
On the previous system with my digital camera and timer it was a bit hit and miss and it sometimes needed several attempts before getting it right.With the banktech adapter I can get it right first time every time which means the fish spends less time out of the water.
I have come across a slight snag for night pictures or in low light-the rear camera doesn't have a flash.It's not insurmountable though as I just turn it round and use the main front camera(which has a very good flash),this means I don't have the benefit of a screenshot preview so I take several pictures at varying distances away from the smartphone.It really is much easier getting in position holding the fish and then shouting at the phone to take a picture as opposed to my previous system of operating a timer and then waiting for it to operate.I then simply delete the pictures not required.
Another useful feature is a computer programme called dropbox.I have the smartphone linked to the dropbox programme on my desktop computer so that new pictures are automatically downloaded to dropbox only when connected to wifi.This means that as soon as I get home and connected to the home wifi all new pictures are on the computer-no messing around with download cables.
It's nice to go on the desktop to find all your photos are in the dropbox folder.