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Martin Mumby

Senior Member
Hi all,

I hope you have all had a good Christmas and managed some time on the bank!

Just to let you know that CC20 will be available in January and can be pre-ordered from:


As usual there is a good mixture of material including:

Rob Christen on pike. Three special fish from three different waters, proper stuff this!

Dan Woolcott, memories of Medway barbel culminating in a Trent monster.

Dan Eaves tracks down an off radar pit and experiences some great perch fishing.

Part 2 of Julian Barnes crucian campaign at Johnsons, which went pretty well!

This cracking article came right out the blue! Craig Buddo tells the story of the world largemouth bass record.

Silver fish enthusiast Vince Cater on tracking down Bristol Avon roach.

Piking royalty Dave Horton shares the stories of 3 significant fish that helped shape his piking career.

Andy Lush on a Dutch perch adventure which didn’t really go to plan.

Sarah Croft, stingray from the beach. Brilliant stuff by the conger Queen!

Our Theo’s diary piece including shark, grayling and chub to 6-11 on the float.

An endearing piece by Malcolm Whitehead on encouraging children into fishing and nature.

Sincere Thanks to all who have supported Catch Cult and angling in print. Thanks also to AndyF and BFW for their help.

I wish you all a Happy and Safe New Year.

Cheers, Martin


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I am regularly asked for back issues of Catch Cult and I have limited numbers of CC19 and 20 left.

Just to confirm that all orders are in the post, which is being affected by current events.

Thanks for your patience, Martin
Great thanks as post has been very iffy!

If you enjoy CC I won';t mind if you want to tell people how good it is 😁😇