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Bulk halibut pellets

Sometimes I think Barbel angling is slowly going the way of Carp fishing where anglers are chucking in far too many free offerings than are required . Call me old fashioned but I thought ' groundbait ' was designed to attract fish to the table as it were, not leave them in a Mr Creosote like stake [ Monty Python , Meaning of Life film ]. I have met anglers after Barbel who have lobbed in more pellets / boilies in a session than use in a season .I think there are some anglers that feel the more the feed they introduce the better their catch rate will be, which in my opinion is tosh . Meanwhile the fish get more corpulent , some of the Barbel I have seen pictured are clearly no stranger at the tuck shop counter with their bloated stomachs .They need to follow their more athletic migrating fellows and swim some it off !

I blame the internet.