Why would they fear humans if they've nothing to fear, wild or these supposed hand reared, it's been illegal to harm otters for years? Nobody's suggesting the urban fox's are all hand reared released fox's, and they no longer fear humans. It's not as if it was letting the guy stroke it! And if they had just turned up for work in the morning like it was suggested, the otter would have caught that fish when the place was empty and had been since the evening before. Really don't see any point in this.
We had two guest speakers at our club meet the other week, from the AT and EA, both parties stressing the point that nothing is ever going to get done about otters. Both for fear of the massive damage this would do to the face of angling and also, that through tackling the other problems, cormorants, pollution, habitat improvement etc, otters and fish and fishermen can co-exist, like they have done for centuries. Essentially things should balance out.
And before anyone predictably states this as their reason for not joining the AT, it's worth stating that they didn't get a general licence for cormorants, in large part, for their inability to compete with groups such as the RSPB and their million strong membership, which dwarfs the pathetic twenty odd thousand AT members.
The EA guy made a point that the vast majority of letters and emails he got from anglers was 'shoot this, stock that', pretty much affirming the quick fix attitude most have on these matters.
Join the Angling Trust and things may well start to improve. Strength in numbers and all that.