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BFW 14mm Halips Pellets

Now that really is odd Dave...if you look at Rich's link, it is clearly the same company, same pellets, same add...and yet his version has the sizes:eek:

Must be an older add....at least I hope so...be a bummer if yours is the newer version :D

Cheers, Dave.

I think the Salips is a different pellet to theother one. Teme-Severn had some at the Barbel Society Yorkshire meeting and the look at least 10mm and probably bigger. Quite a dark pellet as well, give them a ring and ask about the size.
Hi men ,

Salips are bigger , poss the size people are looking for ;). Very good pellet , catching lots of fish .

"Salips" sounds like Salmon Elips joined together..........

Didn't BFW used to do Salips as well as Halips??
Hi men ,

Ian , Salips is an attractor profile that was being tested last/this season , caught lots of fish so far . Its on pellets with a range of sizes , but I like the hookbait sizes best .

I have had elips pellets over the years from BFW, Hinders many times, teme seven, DNA, etc.........

The colour constantly changes and I would imagine is due purely to the particular batch which is being sold at the time.

I believe there are 2 manufactures and at least one is Dutch (Skretting).

Have had them dark brown, lighter brown, red/brown from hinders in particular (probably due to the fact they probably used to sell more than other suppliers and were into a new batch quicker.........

Ian, I have been scratching my head over the second manufacturer, and the best I have dredged out of my fading brain is that it is either Irish or Scottish...I think Irish :p

Cheers, Dave.

Cheers, Dave.
It's quite funny to hear people talking about Salips, and to see others selling them (!) as Claire invented this name on a rainy Wednesday afternoon when she bought in some really big Salmon feed pellets that worked well for barbel. She inverted the term 'Halips' too.

The Sallips sold by others aren't the ones we used to sell. I know this because they're not made any more.

Elips changed colour permanently because the original manufacturer decide to make the (trout) feed more cost effective by removing an ingredient called axanthin which gave them the orange colour. The BFW Salips had the same ingredient in which is probably why they stopped making them. If you come across pellets that have an orange tint (and orange oil slink), buy 'em!

I think others have jumped on the band wagon and started producing elips shaped pellets but nothing will ever touch the early ones that Hinders, and then we were selling...


Andy F

Ps. Scottish
Dont forget Rich knows where you live '' what you got there mate? ''
I've still got some as well.......remember Claire inventing the names as well.
I wish i had known that Clare had invented the name "HALIPS" - The hours i've spent searching the internet for them . No wonder i kept drawing a blank !

T7 have a range of "elipse" pellets I like these for both feeding and hook baits as well as some elipse pellets from Mastral, very oily and Ive got lots of confidance in them :D
prologic dd had a good pellet, not made now!!!grrrrrrr
funny, they looked just like XL grubbers...lol
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Was back at the folks Friday for a trip to the kennet and while there I had a root around to see if I could find mine. Found one bucket with a mix of both sizes. Maybe if they're that popular I should auction them off!
Have frozen Halips, Salips and Elips for years - haven't noticed any softenening.