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Best isotopes anybody?

If you do see the solar isotopes for sale in the 25mm x 3mm size , I would think twice about buying them as they haven't been available for two years now so you will be buying old stock. The new ones measure 15x3mm
Peter, if you mean 'what size do they come in?', then look at the advert on Derek's link. They come in medium, large, extra large and XXL, to fit blanks ranging in size from 2.00mm to 4.3mm. You can see the sizes on either the drop box down on the add, or by clicking on the picture to enlarge.

Cheers, Dave.

Sorry Dave meant what size to fit barbel rods,cheers
drennan ones for me too, quick tip get a see thru 35mm film canister keep the isotopes in the canister and pack down with something soft= no more broken ones;)