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Barbel Spawning - Distance Travelled?

Richard Mawson

Active Member
Had an enjoyable morning fly fishing on the Hampshire Avon this morning.

Whilst walking back to the car I decided to walk alongside one of the sidestreams, as I usually spot a trout or two on the way.

Several hundred yards upstream from the main river I spotted a massive barbel lying over a gravel bed with less than 12" water over her back. This side stream is only around 6 foot in width and the big barbel didnt spook as I stood within a few feet watching in absolute amazement.

Now I have seen many large barbel in the H.A over the years and this fish has to one of, if not the biggest I have seen.

What is puzzling me is that the area in which the side stream enters the Avon is definately not one of the Barbel 'hot spots' on the river.

Does anybody have any information on how far these fish will travel to spawn? It seems unlikely that this fish is resident in such a small stream so I can only imagine that spawning is why she was here?

If it is likely that this fish is resident in the main river, what is the probability that it is from this area or could it have travelled miles to this point?