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barbel on the pole


Just trying to think where a pole might be suitable...

Unless the barbs would be ultra babits - maybe not many instances if any at all...

See what others might suggest

Cheers, Jon
I am sure that this has many parallels to carp fishing with the pole too. I acknowledge that I have never used a pole, nor will I in the future. Sorry for the daft question (if it's the case).

How about when the elastic is fully stretched & one cannot give the line? Is it then akin to hook & hold technique with an over size bit of bamboo!!

Cheers, Jon
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Of course than be caught on the Pole,and very well.

Many years ago a good match angler caught 104 lb of Barbel on the pole,(weight might be a few pounds out) on the Kennet,upper Benyons ,including doubles from memory,had no problems,and his presentation was spot on.

Oh ,and he did win the match rather easily.

Spoke to very same angler at Fishomania this year.

Am due to do a feature on same method soon for one of the mags.
Was meant to be last week but camera man was ill.

Naturally I expect to be branded a heretic and burned at the stake:D,and I wont be using 35 lb braid ,or fishing near snags .

Any Barbel Policeman out there ?:D:D
Of course it all right, didn't the Field do an article on Salmon on the Pole and Trout On The Whip?

These Journo's have to make a living you know:rolleyes:
A friend of mine used to be a keen, and successful, match angler. He regularly landed barbel on the pole in Kennet matches, including double figure fish.
Fair comment then lads - there seems a number of safe, effective moments where appropriate - it was the limited stretch/line reach I was thinking.

Thanks, Jon
Went through a phase of catching barbel on the pole a few years back. In the right swim it was a deadly method for shoalies. Best overall catch I had was 44 Barbel from the Teme (3 - 5lb range). Had a few good sessions on the Severn too, from a large back eddy swim, where I had Barbel to over 8lb.

Tackle wasn't overly strong either - 12's elastic through 4 sections, down to a large loop of 20's elastic coming off the bung. Line was 7.9lb Clarke's Match Team, down to a 16's Drennan super spade hook. In open water all hooked fish were quickly subdued and landed. Must try it again some time.
Yes,I remember that Neil,from you posting about it before.

We used to catch them at Worcester on the lwr Severn on doubled up zim no problems,deliberately.

The just used to swim round very bemused.

Perhaps we should organise a fish in at Cudmore ,Pole only,plenty would be caught.:D
Think that I might have posted something along the lines of the following here (or elsewhere).

Couple of winters ago I watched a superplatively able pole-fisher target a swim and some barbel that I knew well, having had three different doubles from it and losing a Maximus (broken dramatically and catastrophically in a tree after an unstoppable "I know where I can lose this irritant" upstream run. The pole-fisher fed the swim little and often with a cup, Cralusso vaned-float stret-pegging water that could not be fished with running-line gear.

He had an 11-pounder (one of "my fish") after an hour and played it beautifully, landing it in pretty short order. I walked on, much impressed.
some of the pole anglers dont cope very well with them on the ponds never mind on the river.i have caught plenty on the pole in stillwater but i am not tempted to faff about with a pole on a river where i could be on a fish of a lifetime.
some of the pole anglers dont cope very well with them on the ponds never mind on the river.i have caught plenty on the pole in stillwater but i am not tempted to faff about with a pole on a river where i could be on a fish of a lifetime.

Equally so there are many quite inept anglers using running-line set ups.:rolleyes:

Yank em in on a 18, 20 or even a 22 elastic, unhook em in your landing net (over your lap) and place in to a correctly positioned keepnet, sounds better to me than than the usual scenario:

Catch it, play to exhaustion (on running-line), rest for a mandatory (normally short) period, carry up the bank to unhook on the obligatory unhooking mat, then deemed if of specimen proportions, speedily weighed, a few hasty snaps, oh not good enough quality for ones records so a couple more pics and finally the fish is returned to the water for another rest in the caring anglers net.
martin bowler did a feature on the severn using the pole for barbel...I suppose its no different than someone using light gear on the float and hooking a biggie..Its just a question of do you really want too? rather than should you..:p..
I watched some one at this years Evesham fishing Festival on the bank holiday monday land a double figure barbel on a pole . Took him a while to land it . It was interesting to watch
It makes you feel even older than you already are, when the same questions come around again in their usual cycle...but you still thought of yourself as a newbie on this forum :D:D:D

Cheers, Dave.