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Barbel meeting in Oxford.

Hi all,
Sorry that i have not posted of late but i have had a severe menieres attack, so i
have been laid low for a few weeks.
The meeting will go ahead but will be put back until mid November.
Same venue (holds about 80) and will still be on a thursday with the same speakers and format. I will keep you all posted as soon as i am back to normal.
Tight lines.
ps Could be a good weekend for a fish or two, a few big .fish have been coming out
in the Oxford area.
Sorry to hear you've been unwell Paul, hope you improve quickly.

Just spotted this thread and I'd like to attend an event in Nov if you have space please.

Hi to you all,
Sorry it has been so long but i was off work for nine weeks.
I have now done two full weeks with no ill effects.
I have spoken to most of the people who said they would talk on the evening and have
only one to contact. As soon as i have contacted him i wil re arrange a date and post it on this thread. Look forward to meeting all of you like minded nutters who fish for Barbel.
Tight lines Paul.
ps there have been some really big fish out in the last month.
Good to hear your on the mend Paul.
Are these big fish coming out of the Thames in the Oxford area or is that giving too much away? Not falling to my rods.
Hi all,
Sorry that i have not been on this thread of late but i had to
have my fishing buddy Buster a yellow lab put down, due to a tumour on his
heart. So i am in no mood to arrange a meeting right now. I will post in the new year.


  • buster at hardwick.jpg
    buster at hardwick.jpg
    91.8 KB · Views: 210
All the best Paul, you've had a bad run of late.
My dog comes fishing with me wherever rules allow, she loves it, I'd guess Buster had great days wandering the banks.
New Year

Paul, I hope that the New Year brings better fortune. And if the weather cheers up, before the close of the season, a few barbel to lift our spirits.
Hi all,
Sorry that i have not been on this thread of late.
My meniere's has re appeared and i am due to have another surgical procedure
on my ear, in the closed season of course. So as soon as i am back to normal. I will re arrange the meeting.
Tight lines . Paul.
ps a 15lb plus fish out of the Thames last week, alas not me!