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Bait disasters and near divorce!

Ian Tucker

Senior Member
:eek:Having recently emptied two pints of anchovy flavoured maggots onto the kitchen floor 30 seconds before the wife came home - has anyone else had such a bait related near death experience?
broke a bottle of n-butric acid in her car 4 years ago......its still lingering yet !!!!! :eek:
cor Ian, where do we start....my best offer is probably back in the eighties when I was fishing Darenth Tip Lake with two friends...our bait was a HP mix flavoured with one drop of pure Garlic oil.....that doesn't sound much I know but the Health Food Supplier that I bought it from in SE London had to store it in a sealed container which in it's self was stored in another sealed container in their store room 'cos they had several visits from the Gas Board after people had compalained of a gas leak ! !.....You probably get the picture, it ponged !!!!...[a lot]

Every Thursday evening when my Missus went to play netball we would have a bait making night in my kitchen and knock up a good few mixes of bait for freezing for the following week.....The week we switched to the Garlic Oil she came home and when getting out of the car at the front of the house, she IMMEDIATELY could smell "something aweful" and ran to the back [kitchen] door where Mark, Phil and I where oblivious to any smell having become accustomed to the pong and were taken to task as to what the ***** hell we were cooking up !!!....Still brings a smile to my face, if not hers !...:D
When I was about 13 I'd been on my usual weekend fishing trips, come home and hung my coat up in my wardrobe. Nothing wrong with that but what had slipped my mind was the fact that in the absence of a maggot bag I'd improvised and used my pockets! As any 13 year old would! Anyway, I didn't give it a second thaught until I came home from school a few days later to find my mother in a total rage, ready to throw me out on the street. Shed gone to hang my clothes up and been confronted by a mob of big daft blue bottles!
dropped some casters in the boot of my car, a month later.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ, nice.
Wedding Present

Many moons ago, we hid a herring around the heater element of a friend's car, in which he and his beloved went on their honeymoon. I would add that there are only two things that smell of fish. We had a few laughs and drinks over that incident and he, not she, saw the funny side.

Men are from Mars and Women from Venus or Alpha Centauri or beyond.



N-butyric acid just has to be the worst possible smell there is in angling. I dropped a bottle in kitchen once and it pervaded everything and took months to disappear.
What they tell you in the information about it is that it's present in some dairy products, for some reason however, they fail to tell you it's also present in vomit!

On an early expedition to the Severn, ( about 3.30 am ) Theres me driving down the motorway in my hackney cab. My mate Tony, snoring his brains out in the back. Somehow, he managed to kick a bucket over, with 2 gallons of maggots in it. First i knew about it, was when i noticed the floor was moving. I flicked the light on to see a mass of squirming wrigglers. We managed to salvage quite a lot of them. ( on the hard shoulder ). But for weeks after, i was driving with a rolled up newspaper in my hand, and the windows open. Some of my passengers, well most of them, were not happy :D. I asked Tony how the maggots managed to get the lid off the bucket, he said he,d taken it off when we set off, to give them some air. :eek:
'Lost' 4 pints of white maggots in the back of the car a few years ago. After a couple of weeks it was alive with flies, had to leave it with the doors open for an hour or two every day for about a month after that!

N-Butyric is pretty bad but Asafoetida runs it a close second for things not to spill on the carpet, closely followed by Cheese Elite!
I had a large home made jerk bait hanging up in my shed that a friend had had great success with. I was in the process of making some copies, with the original hanging from my screw driver rack for instant reference. While I was 80 miles away fishing one day, my wife went in to grab a screw driver and as she pulled her hand away pulled a size 2 barbed treble right into her hand. the nearby doctor wouldn't touch it and sent her to A & E which was 17 miles away. She doesn't drive so a lady who was staying at our place B & B ( good job she was a friend too) took her. They spent 3 hours there, had to push the hook through and cut off the barb under anaesthetic. How could they do that to someone's lure?????
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I hired a brand new car, 30miles on the clock.

Went fishing on the Saturday, rather than carry a gallon of maggots I took half and left the rest in the car to collect later that morning.

I remembered that I had not gone back to collect them that evening, when I returned to the car I found that when I had slammed the tailgate the bucket had tipped over!

I collected a handful from the weave of the carpet and about a pint from the spare wheel well.

Never did have any problems with Zoomers, but then again I did hand the car back the following Monday! :eek:

I often wondered!:):):):)

Tight lines chaps.
Four of us were off to a match on the Sunday morning, so on the Saturday night the uglier members of our motley crew were snoring semi drunkenly in my living room, while I slept soundly in my bed. Sadly, two gallons of maggots were not asleep...having somehow been knocked over by one of the miscreants in the lounge, they were very busy indeed finding somewhere to hide under the carpet and down between the somewhat gappy floor boards of my rather old house. Interesting place to be for the next month or so, was my living room :p

I also managed to wreak havoc on our next house, when a bag of uncooked hemp I had stored in a kitchen cupboard gave birth to hundreds of small (2mm long) brown beetles (adult weevils?) which infested every item they could penetrate in the room. we had to dump and replace every box, packet or other non airtight foodstuff container in the house, and it took months to be rid of them :mad:

Strangely enough, my wife and I are still together :eek: Mind you, my next 'cunning plan' is a real belter :D

Cheers, Dave.
In the days when i was experimenting with every stinky ingredient i could lay my hands on, i was always getting it in the neck, but there was one ....
pre digested fishmeal !! :eek: that nearly did for my marriage ! It made the kitchen smell like someone had vomited into a sweaty sock :( the smell lasted hours ! I actually think she meant it when she threatened to take herself and the girls off to her mums ! :p
Cold Shoulder

I once stored a 1/2 kilo of dendras in the fridge, only I hadn't closed the lid properly. When the missus next opened the fridge door I thought she'd discovered a severed head, such was the volume of the scream she let out. Despite cleaning the fridge out meticulously, worms kept turning up for weeks after. Ni "live" bait has been allowed in since.

I went for an end of season deadbait wobbling session many years ago. I liked to travel light and carried a few deads in the poachers pocket of my jacket. Came home and hung the jacket in the garage and forgot about it. The family started moaning about a smell that was getting worse and worse. Eventually tracked it down, put my hand into the jacket and grabbed a putrefied mush of smelts. Had to chuck the jacket away :mad:

I once hired a car in St Albans. It utterly stank and was full of bluebottles.

Could have been an angler but did you check what was in the boot... :eek:! :D.

My Astra's tail lights are still full of dead blue bottles from the maggots that found their way in there after a spillage. There's no way to get them out :(.

One of the best ways to empty a house/find out what "irreconcilable differences" means is to make paste by pouring scalding water over pellets soaked in Cotswold Monster Crab. The police should use that for crowd dispersal. My 6 year old daughter actually started crying!
when i was about 12 my friend invited me to stay over for the night with the added bonus his big brother would take us fishing the next day, we cycled into town and bought a couple of pints of maggots that day and returned to my friends house where we promptly sneaked the maggots into the salad compartment of the fridge not before tearing a breathing hole in the top of the bag not realising that the maggots would wriggle around and the hole would move:eek:
we were woken up very late that night with ny friends mum screaming at the top of her voice as maggots had invaded every inch of her fridge and food:eek:
needles to say i was never invited back!