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BAA 16lbe? ?

This 17lb fish from the Derwent was posted on FB yesterday. This and the 16.12 reported here look identical don't they...


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Many moons ago while wondering the banks of the Lea I came across an example of an angler well advanced in the dark art of BS. Despite the complete absence of scales and conveniently photographic evidence, said angler had managed to land four 12lb plus barbel plus several other doubles!!!! Impressive angling considering it was only the second week of the season.
Kind Regards
I am afraid that when it comes to telling of fish caught some anglers are rather like a woman getting out of a car.

By that I mean its stretching things a bit :D
Where was this reported Robert? However if there are some deaths as you describe, it does not hopefully, mean the 'End is Nigh' for Fladbury, well I certainly hope not.:eek:

Hi Neil

I guy i know has fished it a fair bit and he has seen a couple and said the bailiff was aware of some ( not sure what that means numbers wise) he has also had fish with chunks out of the tail lobes.
Hi Neil

I guy i know has fished it a fair bit and he has seen a couple and said the bailiff was aware of some ( not sure what that means numbers wise) he has also had fish with chunks out of the tail lobes.

Otters are a problem, nothing new there Robert, but what I find really sad is that there is a problem with bad handling, in particular on the middle Avon, to me that is the problem the Avon has at the moment, I have also spoken to 'Grumpy' John the BAA bailiff who has witnessed many belly up barbel. But while you have Manor Farm and the like who allow their guests to fish in the close season I don't suppose fish welfare is a priority.
Actually all this has dulled my interest in fishing the Avon of late, was speaking to a fellow angler at Nafford recently who hadn't fished it for two years because of poaching by EE's and night fishing c/w with BBQ's, however my namesake Neil the BAA bailiff takes no prisoners and things have improved, but I am afraid the fishing has not.
I have said it before the Otter is not the main culprit, those that fish for 'trophy' Barbel and have no regard for the welfare of the fish, are.
Just seen this thread ... page five though and nobody's yet wondered where we can get some "chereso" which is the bait given for this very heavy-boned sixteen pounder. Anyone know if LIDL have any in?

Or can we conclude that if the bait contains three separate spelling mistakes ,the weight probably has almost as many as well? LOL.
The baa dont care other than selling permits.i have written to them several times about that piece of s**t dangerous dirt track to the car park at salford priors[zero responce back as expected]....................
The baa dont care other than selling permits.i have written to them several times about that piece of s**t dangerous dirt track to the car park at salford priors[zero responce back as expected]....................

They don't give a toss Mick, and as long as "you know who" is at the helm nothing will change. It is pretty well an autocratic organisation, which is a shame for the biggest angling club in the UK. But as you say, as long as people keep buying tickets BAA couldn't give a monkeys. I bought my last one two years ago and will give it a miss until things change and if they don't, well, plenty of other waters to fish.
It's such a shame, both for other anglers fishing the area, but also for him. Either he is genuinely ignorant of the fact, or he does know and is fooling himself. I hope it's the former.

I've seen it dozens of times. I once fished a tench lake (1980s) looking for my first six in those days. A chap told me he had a big six in his net,, I asked for a look, he obliged. The fish was a big three, no more. I asked if he'd weighed it, he said '"no but it's six easy, I've had loads that size from this place"

That latest fish looks around 10lb.
Now Folks check out the middle severn 15.2 on the b.a.a website.

I've seen it. It's a scraper double at best, looks the same size as the pic I posted up last week, mine was 10.0.

God knows what going on with the nonsense weights on that site. Maybe the fact you can get your new 2017 tickets next month has something to do with it. Ker-ching.
there was a 14.2 off the middle at the weekend though, I saw the pic on Facebook, it was a stunning fish.
Martyns 14.02 was an absolute stunner and well deserved as for the BAA website i look in when i need a giggle.
I've seen it. It's a scraper double at best, looks the same size as the pic I posted up last week, mine was 10.0.

God knows what going on with the nonsense weights on that site. Maybe the fact you can get your new 2017 tickets next month has something to do with it. Ker-ching.

I'm convinced that some of these people have replaced the springs in their balances (if they own one!!) with knicker elastic :D