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And just when you think you've seen it all !!!.............

Starts with B, and ends in a stagnant river,I did hear there was a big head carp caught over there last year, paul. David Hall told me a story about his dad who was an old style fishmonger and avid Roach angler. Years ago his dad imported coarse fish from Holland to sell and a 5lb roach turned up in a batch he bought.
100 years ago our ancestors would eat all course fish straight from the river or pond,Roach,Perch,Pike,Carp and all others without trying to be controversial we did the same as in Europe.
What we need to do is educate our European friends that we have moved on and now we eat sea fish and game fish only.
I imagine the change to sea fish instead of course was because of the industrial waste and sewage entering our waterways made eating course fish very unpalatable rather than from a humanitarian view.
That and sea fish generally tastes a lot nicer!
Maybe we need some put and take coarse fisheries opening up.
Found out recently that a free stretch of the upper Lea has had anti angling fences put up by the local council to deter our EE Imports from fishing, removing fish, camping out overnight and holding raucous barbecue parties