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Amazing scales !!!

These people claiming fish at inflated/guesstimated weights do themselves or the credibility of the sport no good at all !
I heard today a 'Rumour' of a 17 from Lacock :D Utter, utter tosh ! A 17 now is a good 19+ come the back end ! Now if i'm not mistaken, there are probably only 1 or 2 fish in the whole stretch which can go over 13 ? Clive will correct me if I'm wrong............But a 17 is NEVER going to happen ! Why lie like that ?
I know a few people who are 'Liberal with the truth' and take anything they say with a pinch of salt.........One of them doesn't even carry scales, but claims big doubles from several rivers..................Always when he's on his own............;)
Why Lie ?
These people only ever fool themselves! I carry 2 sets of scales and if a fish weighs over 9 I weigh it on the other scales as well. This 2nd pair has not been used for a couple of years!
I like the ones who zero their scales, weigh a fish in a big landing net then don't bother to deduct its weight! Amazing how short some 2lb roach are.
The 'about' crowd are my favourites. 'Any good mate?' 'Yeah, had one about 10 pound'. I don't know about anyone else, but I weigh anything that looks 'about' 7 or above, let alone one that looks 'about 10'!
Suppose it depends on where you fish, personally I don't weigh anything that doesn't look like a double, especially in the warmer months, just a quick piccy perhaps, whilst still in the net does for me. But always carry a set of RH scales, just in case someone needs their kipper weighing:p
Paul you know full well I have had a 20! from lacock it was that day you had a brace of 30's

there was a '43lb' common carp caught from my local park lake recently. I have fished it on and off for 10 years or so and know the biggest common is around 31-34lb give or take depending on the time of year.

about 15 people then descended on to the lake as a result of this magnificent fish being reported.

the big common then came out again, terribly ill, bloated and spawn bound at it's top weight of 34lb. it then sadly died.

about 15 people then dissappeared from the lake.

the fish was then put in the bin.

park life eh?
I said, how the hell did you weigh your 3 tens then, he didnt he said he just knew :D

So a big congrats on not just your three 10s but your amazing ability to weigh them within the half ounce :rolleyes:

When I look back now it is quite funny really !! poor lad

Was this fellah an MP?
Theres some "danglers" out there weighing their fish on scales that arent very accurate, thats if they bother to weigh them at all..... When they "Guesstemate" the weight of their fish then its a pinch of salt job.

They dont just fool themselves because when a few doubles, a fifteen or a seventeen are rumored to have been banked and the whispers begin 2nd & third hand, then who knows? We arent to know if the weights were true or not? or If the Angler knew what he was doing or not regarding the weighing of the fish??

I saw a pic of a chub on an old fellas phone, it was one of, if not the biggest Chub pic Ive seen. When i asked him what the weight was he replied "I dont know Ive not got any scales" The Chub was a good 6lb+ very long and deep bodied. Maybe a fish of a life time from a small river. Maybe it would have gone a few ounces or a pound or two heavier on a set of cheep scales????? Who knows?
There is a chap called RT on the Kennet and Loddon who always adds the wet net weight to his captures.

It's a known joke amongst Southern Anglers. There is a saying going around
"Is that an RT weight or a real one?"

When i first started fishing the Lea, many moons ago, i met an angler wondering the banks utilising the "rolling meat" method. He engaged me in conversation & enquired how i was doing so far that season (two weeks in). Remarkably & compared to the state of affairs on the river now, miraculously, two sessions (an all-dayer & an early morning excursion before work) had produced four barbel & two chub, with the bigest barbel going 9lb 12oz (at the time a pb).
He then preceded to tell me that in three sessions he had managed to land three 12lbers. I was extremely impressed (genuinely) & asked if he had took any photos i could drool over,,,,and guess what he didn't carry a camera or scales as they were superfluous to his "style" of fishing:rolleyes:


What about the guys you see with a sainsbury's plastic bag as a weigh sling with water spouting out the sides of the bag as they hoist it upon the scales and exclaim with glee ' it's double ' ......are they on about their nectar points?
abit sad having to lie (exaggerate) the size of a fish, and personally i just feel it takes away some of the joy when you do infact eventually beat your supposed PB. i normally have an angler (ticket stretch) who's only happy to either witness or weigh the fish himself if it's a double, and i'm happy with that.

there was one time when i approached an older guy who was fishing a few swims away from me, and i asked him how he was getting on. this was when i just started fishing again about four-five years ago, and i never caught a barbel at this time. anyway he said he just had a double not that long ago. now this was from a stretch that alot of anglers were now complaining there wasn't any barbel in the river and that it was living in the past :). eventually i asked the old guy if he took a photo, which he paused and said yes, and when i asked if i could see the picture as i like looking at pictures of fish, he flipped out saying i didn't believe him, and that he wouldn't show me a picture. i just walked away quite baffled as we was having a good five minute conversation before that. the thing is i did actually believe him that he caught a double figure barbel, but after that reaction i feel he probably didn't even catch a barbel, let alone a double.
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Lol. Who is this guy with the exact weights without scales. Iv gotta meet him soon Iv had 430 barbel all 17.2.4 in 3.5 seconds beat that my friend lol. However if he can do this fair play to him however I believe it's totally impossible.