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A new Carp lake.

I’ve seen that on Facebook a few times recently, looks horrible doesn’t it.
It is...what is to stop anyone stocking huge foreign carp in a similar puddle and claiming a new record? This lake is 25 years in the making, not long I agree but long enough to be established as a diverse environment, it really frustrates me and just to provide a captive lump or two at £25 a pop.
I have nothing against carp or carp fishing, today there was a clip on Chris Yates remembering as a youngster seeking out blue dots on a ordnance survey map that might contain old carp, I have done that too, and what a contrast to this type of fishery? Where is the challenge, where is the satisfaction in catching captive big carp?
It is...what is to stop anyone stocking huge foreign carp in a similar puddle and claiming a new record? This lake is 25 years in the making, not long I agree but long enough to be established as a diverse environment, it really frustrates me and just to provide a captive lump or two at £25 a pop.
I have nothing against carp or carp fishing, today there was a clip on Chris Yates remembering as a youngster seeking out blue dots on a ordnance survey map that might contain old carp, I have done that too, and what a contrast to this type of fishery? Where is the challenge, where is the satisfaction in catching captive big carp?

As far as I’m aware the big foreign carp have stopped, but fish are often still stocked at 20-30lb. For the best part carp are all stocked at some point so I guess it’s where our ethics lie. I don’t know what the stocking levels are like in this place but for me it’s the sanitised nature of it, it’s as far from my idea of a relaxing day out as I can imagine.
for me it’s the sanitised nature of it, it’s as far from my idea of a relaxing day out as I can imagine.
This. But also the complete lack of mystery that comes as standard with these pre-fab, monoculture fisheries.

But looking on the bright side….

The sort of anglers these places usually attract are generally the sort I try to avoid, so if it keeps them away from the places I like to frequent then long may they continue. 👍
As far as I’m aware the big foreign carp have stopped, but fish are often still stocked at 20-30lb. For the best part carp are all stocked at some point so I guess it’s where our ethics lie. I don’t know what the stocking levels are like in this place but for me it’s the sanitised nature of it, it’s as far from my idea of a relaxing day out as I can imagine.
It's difficult not to come over as a bit elitist in my comments, and after all it's just fishing, but for all things holy where is the sport in pitching up a bivvy 3 rods filling kilos of bait in what is no more than a pond only to fix a distance stare on a captured farmed carp for the f.b few?
I take your point regarding. all carp are stocked, but this country has a rich heritage of old carp in old estate lakes and for me that is the pinnacle.
They can't force anyone to fish it, so why would anyone care what they do with their own property?
It makes about as much sense as moaning about the colour of a random stranger's car.
Well it does come under the guise of angling and this is an Angling forum so it is reasonable to expose these chancers for what they are, profit before anything else.
They are removing other established fish such as roach perch rudd to facilitate larger carp to increase revenue, that for me is an animal welfare issue right there clever clogs.
Each to their own.

Nobody can pass judgement on any perceived 'animal welfare' issues resultant from the stocking policies unless they know exactly what the current and planned stocking densities are.

There is nothing to suggest the owners will be stocking carp sourced from abroad, for all we know they could be stocking the lake with strains with a lot of English history. But let's not forget that those Galician carp caught by the likes of Walker and Yates and revered by anglers, may well have not originated in the UK.

And good luck to anyone hoping to make a profit out of such a venture, but that is highly unlikely I suspect. And this is probably more a hobby project that will at best just about wash it's face. But if it provides some anglers some peaceful fishing that they enjoy away from this imcreasingly mad world, well I say good luck to them. There are plenty of other more important things happening in the world that are worth getting angry about. This isn't one of them.
It's difficult not to come over as a bit elitist in my comments, and after all it's just fishing, but for all things holy where is the sport in pitching up a bivvy 3 rods filling kilos of bait in what is no more than a pond only to fix a distance stare on a captured farmed carp for the f.b few?
I take your point regarding. all carp are stocked, but this country has a rich heritage of old carp in old estate lakes and for me that is the pinnacle.
They have a two-rod limit according to their website.
Well it does come under the guise of angling and this is an Angling forum so it is reasonable to expose these chancers for what they are, profit before anything else.
They are removing other established fish such as roach perch rudd to facilitate larger carp to increase revenue, that for me is an animal welfare issue right there clever clogs.
It’s perfectly legal - so what you or I might think is largely irrelevant.

The EA basically washed its hands of land locked stillwaters decades ago.

I would suggest that very heavily stocked commercial fisheries (2000 lb plus per acre) are a much bigger fish welfare issue than somebody throwing a limited number of big fish into a small lake. The latter are only replicating what happened in small Stillwater trout fishing 20 plus years ago.

The good news is that we can choose where we fish…..
Well I was under no illusion that views on this would be polarised. I dont need to be the guy with all the likes, I just know in my gut when something is just not right, this and all the other commercials that put profit before fish welfare can rot.
Each to their own.

Nobody can pass judgement on any perceived 'animal welfare' issues resultant from the stocking policies unless they know exactly what the current and planned stocking densities are.

There is nothing to suggest the owners will be stocking carp sourced from abroad, for all we know they could be stocking the lake with strains with a lot of English history. But let's not forget that those Galician carp caught by the likes of Walker and Yates and revered by anglers, may well have not originated in the UK.

And good luck to anyone hoping to make a profit out of such a venture, but that is highly unlikely I suspect. And this is probably more a hobby project that will at best just about wash it's face. But if it provides some anglers some peaceful fishing that they enjoy away from this imcreasingly mad world, well I say good luck to them. There are plenty of other more important things happening in the world that are worth getting angry about. This isn't one of them.
Yes there more important issues very kind of you to grab the moral high ground, but since we are here on a fishing website it seems rather appropriate to comment on such matters.
If that's OK with you..
Calm down Neil 😃 I’m with you on this….but Unfortunately a lot of fishermen are obsessed about size!
And as plenty of old girlfriends have told me ‘size isn’t everything’
Being size obsessed is just being insecure!
I still haven’t caught a river carp by design, but when I do, a carp of ANY size will mean more to me than a big one from a small lake.
Let them get on with it😉
This. But also the complete lack of mystery that comes as standard with these pre-fab, monoculture fisheries.

But looking on the bright side….

The sort of anglers these places usually attract are generally the sort I try to avoid, so if it keeps them away from the places I like to frequent then long may they continue. 👍
Coming to a river near you!
Without the more charver type of angler there'd be nobody to whack a 5oz lead out 650yds, while all the big carp are sucking lily pads clean right infront of them lol.