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Search results

  1. M

    Centre pin recommendations

    I worked for Young's under Jim and Sally when they were still here in Redditch back in the day and was part of the assembly team under Garry Mills so I know quality pins. I thought I was going to laugh at the NGT pin but I was impressed at what had been put together for the price (I've seen...
  2. M

    Korum Omega rods

    Thanks for all the comments guys, really appreciate the help and you spending my money 😂
  3. M

    Korum Omega rods

    My mind is definitely made up on a Torrix now, I don't think I'm going to find what I want from a off the shelf rod. I already know what custom build I want 😂 I think the closest I've seen and it's only based on overall weight of the rod (it could still balance awful) is the Free Spirit Barbel...
  4. M

    Korum Omega rods

    Don't worry, I can see one coming soon. I'm just terrible when it comes to tackle, I've bought and sold so many rods this year it's not even funny (I can tell from the look on the other halfs face whenever a new one turns up) I don't mind splashing out if it's going to get me what I'm...
  5. M

    Korum Omega rods

    I do actually prefer 11ft rods, I've sold many a good rod just because it was 12ft. The Torrix sounds like what I'm looking for, a 1.75 light and balanced enough to hold. Not sure how I'm going to explain this to the other half, at least she doesn't see the invoices 😂
  6. M

    Korum Omega rods

    Thank you, I'll take a look at the Torrix range
  7. M

    Korum Omega rods

    Personally yes, they are just what I'm used to and prefer. What is the benefit of through action these days? I liked them back in the day but not sure why after using using faster action rods.
  8. M

    Korum Omega rods

    I'm so close to getting one, I just need to be prepared for the other half to kick me out 😂 But they do look nice and I like the fast action, after seeing the 1.75 version. But I doubt the 1.25 will cast 90g and be suitable for up to 12lb, if it could it would be my all round chub and Barbel rod
  9. M

    Korum Omega rods

    Yeah I've seen them discounted, the last few seasons I've been pretty much 100% korum so I'm used to them heavily discounting their products. The only reason I haven't gone for those higher end brands was down to me being worried I'd buy one and them still feeling similar to what I've already...
  10. M

    Korum Omega rods

    Hi all, Has anyone used the Korum Omega rods? I've overly picky when it comes to rods, most 12ft 1.75 Barbel rods all feel tip heavy to me and not very suited to smaller rivers like the W.Avon where I fish. The Omega seems the best I've seen recently. I bought the new Drennan Barbel rod for...
  11. M

    New Drennan Barbel Rods

    I picked mine up last week. I don't know, it's been so long these coming I was expecting better for a off the shelf rod, but then I'm quite picky when it comes to rods anyway. They seem tip heavy to me and the blanks not the slimmest around. I might be moving mine on without using it.