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Search results

  1. S

    Who made this blank?

    It might also be worth checking the reel seat. All my NW's with the screw reel seats have a little NW logo
  2. S

    Unknown blank

    I started looking at older century rods. Is hy-bor a possibility? The blank looks similar and it would be a closer match to the era of the other rods I saw in the auction. (Tri-cast diamond weave, Shimano twin power)
  3. S

    Unknown blank

    I think these might be a match? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256575476082?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Zw-QjcHiTk2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=wTCA1ImhSNm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. S

    Unknown blank

    Interesting people said century, as the closest looking blank I saw was a century one when I went looking
  5. S

    Unknown blank

    Yep, definitely a spigot! The Kevlite is the one on the right/underneath.
  6. S

    Unknown blank

    Sadly, it's not a kevlite. I thought it was one from the auction house photo's, but the shiny bits in the blank aren't a different coloured part of the weave, but it's where the light seems to catch in the corner of the weave. I think it's a spigot. I'm on my lunch now, so I'll double check and...
  7. S

    Unknown blank

    It's 13ft I haven't noticed any markings. I'd say it's a faster/more tip focused action. (It doesn't have eyes whipped apart from one half whipped onto the butt section, so it's hard to tell. However, the butt section is noticeably stiffer than the tri-weave and my other rods, and it didn't...
  8. S

    Unknown blank

    Morning all, I've got a blank that came with an old tri-cast diamond weave I won at auction. I'm considering selling it, (either that or try building it), but I have no idea what it is. Does anyone recognise the blank pattern? Bright light: Normal lighting: Will include further details...
  9. S

    TF gear compact

    Hi there, Is there anyone that's owned both the TF gear compact commercials and compact nan-tec who could help me understand what the between the two are? Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Cheers, Steve
  10. S

    Selling Up please see attached list.

    Yeah, you've reminded me what a nightmare it is packing the thing away. Consider me convinced 😁 Just having a last look through the list and then I'll drop you a dm 🙂
  11. S

    Selling Up please see attached list.

    Much appreciated! This might be a silly question, but how easy is the chair to transport without a barrow? I'm wondering if it'll be better than my current setup. I've got a camping chair that's pretty heavy, but it comes with a carry bag so I can at sling it over my shoulder and keep my hands...
  12. S

    Selling Up please see attached list.

    Evening Dan, I'm interested in the landing net pole and possibly the chair what model is it? 🙂
  13. S

    Pair of lightweight shimano baitrunners wanted

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys! A friend sold me their 2500dls. I tried them out this weekend and they were exactly what I was looking for 😁
  14. S

    Pair of lightweight shimano baitrunners wanted

    How do you rate the Daiwa GS? I'm only going to fish maybe 15m's away at a stretch, so Castizm might be overkill. I looked at the shimano Thunnus but couldn't justify it as a travel reel for fish less than 10lb 😁 I've never really strayed from Shimano apart from a few light drennan reels for...
  15. S

    Pair of lightweight shimano baitrunners wanted

    Sorry for the slow reply, it's been a one of those days at work where you can't get a quiet moment The shimano 2500/4000 series are exactly what I was looking at last night. I figured my options were: -OC -DL-FB -ST-FB The 4000D definitely belongs on that list too
  16. S

    Pair of lightweight shimano baitrunners wanted

    Finding my 10000's way too heavy on lighter rods, so was wondering if anyone might have any lightweight models going / what they'd suggest. (Ideally, I'm hoping the reels are close to half the weight of the 10000's xtr ra's)
  17. S

    Braid Fishing Line

    Arrived today, thanks Roger!
  18. S

    Braid Fishing Line

    Much appreciated. Btw, if nobody's intrested by the time you're back I might buy a second spool off you. (It felt too greedy to call dibs on multiple spools without letting others have a chance 😂)
  19. S

    Braid Fishing Line

    I'd be intrested in a spool of the 20lb power pro
  20. S

    Tf gear compact carp rods 10ft 2.5lb tc

    Hey, thanks for the offer. Someone dm'd me an excellent suggestion of wychwood fltr rods. 80% of our fishing is off the top and they're a slightly lighter test curve, so considering my options atm 🙂