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Search results

  1. R

    Barbel Float Rod Blank

    ...and wondered if these might be of interest; new from Daiwa? https://www.benwick-sports.co.uk/float-rods/11328-52219-daiwa-theory-speci-float-rods.html#/858-length-14ft
  2. R

    Acolyte users??

    Was just about to post the same pic; link here https://www.maggotdrowning.com/forums/threads/new-normark-rods.262779/
  3. R

    Acolyte users??

    Correct Richard. Sorry - obviously meant to write 'Revengers'. Apologies for any confusion. I could do a better pic but not sure it would add. Whippings are black with gold tipping so mimicking the Normark style of that time
  4. R

    Acolyte users??

    Here's a picture of my two Avengers (both missing the top1/2" unfortunately); the one with the garish decals is a slightly later batch, the original logo was much nicer. I sent my first one to Geoff Salisbury to have the handle altered (which i think may have ultimately been done by John...
  5. R

    Hardy15' float rod on eBay?

    Thought this might interest some on here...
  6. R

    Hardy Marksman rod discussion

    ...in fact just checked and the selloer has these available as solid tips; 80cm long at 4.6mm base diameter...
  7. R

    Hardy Marksman rod discussion

    Depending how you feel about buying from China this might be worth looking at; I bought some via Ali express. Three tips in the consignment. One broke with v little bending pressure but the other two are perfectly good quality, hollow carbon. This is a different supplier to the one I tried...
  8. R

    Sliders, walking bolos and sticks.

    Hello Richard, just seen this on maggotdrowners forum https://www.maggotdrowning.com/forums/threads/slider-floats-wanted.258805/
  9. R

    Leslies Insight rod - bargain for someone?

    Any interest to anyone ? https://www.maggotdrowning.com/forums/threads/insight-barbel-rod.258740/
  10. R

    What luggage bag for roaving with a float rod?

    There are any number of similar bagso from military suppliers ~ eg, https://heinnie.com/maxpedition-noatak-gearslinger
  11. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    Interesting - six degrees of separation.. The reason I asked is that for a number of years he was a work colleague of my partner and I met him a fair few times at after work drinks, work functions etc in the early /mid noughties. We are exactly the same age sharing the same birth date and...
  12. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    That looks like a 70's rock band about to go on tour. Neil, did you fish with someone called Neil Grant around that time?
  13. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    I need to look more closely as i'd missed that. Did the finish on whippings change around the mid/late'90's with much more pronounced and uniform varnish? Here's a (poor) photo of the whipping on the early Avenger and the varnish is very sparingly applied with the feel of the thread still...
  14. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    Really interesting, thank you.
  15. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    No bother; I spoke to Geoff Salisburyjust before the Carbotec feeder rods were launched and he said during field testing, anglers had hooked fish and then turned the rod through about 135 degrees so as to point the rod directly behind the angler 9and away from the water) and the rod action...
  16. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    Yes it was along with Omri Thomas. Won't reproduce the article in it's entirety but see the full Carbotec advert and explanatory article here https://www.carbotec.co.uk/match-rods/
  17. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    Large stand off rings indeed - wonder how they compare in size to those fitted to modern float rods? The Milo rod above is the relaunched model I was referring to ~ although it cant be an exact copy as the term 'parabolic' wasn't used in describing float rods until Carbotec popularised the...
  18. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    Interesting you should say that; in 1994 Milo launched two rods called the 'Titanic' and 'Revenger' at the National Angling Show in B'ham. I attended that show and saw the rods and loved the handle (screw down, all cork) and bought the Titanic on launch the following year - in the intervening...
  19. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    Agree Alec - it had completely passed me by that Masterline had produced excellent version of the three models; will keep an eye open for them from now on but from above it would appear they are very rare. I can be disorganised if uninterested in something but really like order and structure...
  20. R

    Normark float rod buyers guide

    No, the Camaro was launched when still the original Normark - a lower priced range but still very good rods. They sell well on eBay.