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Search results

  1. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    Gardner threader. 👍
  2. Jim Gregory

    Super strong beaked point hook

    You might be thinking of the specialist, they are straight. The specimen plus are beaked/ curved points. Jim
  3. Jim Gregory

    Super strong beaked point hook

    Hi, used many over the years, but always go back to the drennan specimen plus.
  4. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    Sorry, just thought of another lost fish. 3!
  5. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    Yes, and testiment to the braid, over a thousand barbel over the last 4yrs. Not snapped once, and only lost 2 fish,. I. E. They fell off🤣
  6. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    Surely that depends on the diameter and bs of the braid being used! I ve just had a quick glance and the braid I use is still stronger than most mono or copolymer lines of a similar diameter, in fact at 25lb breaking strain and not the 40lb stated. It's probably stronger than what most mono...
  7. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    Sorry, but a single leg guide, can not be stronger than a double legged guide. So let's agree to disagree 😁
  8. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    Back to you saying the fuji k is stronger than most double leg guides. I would say in the hand yes. Whipped on a blank, "any" double legged guide would be stronger.
  9. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    If you push or pull the fuji single leg guide repeatedly it will snap where the whipping ends. The double leg minima isn't going to move at all with the same pressure applied.
  10. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    Imo, I don't think any single leg guide is as strong as a double guide, especially when whipped on a blank.
  11. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    Minima black shadows on my 11ft 2lbs and on my 12ft 2.5s., and on my chimera 1.25s. Also upto 30percent lighter, and as strong as any guide available today. Jim
  12. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    Are Fuji K series singles really stronger than most other doubles? Did Mark tell you that.. Very interesting.....
  13. Jim Gregory

    W R Products Speedia arbors

    Hi Clive, do you have a picture of the Grey, as I've stripped the paint of my wide drum, are the rings Grey also. Jim
  14. Jim Gregory

    Custom 11ft torrix 2lb guide preference

    Hi Ashley, yes 2 double on the butt, and the first on the tip is more akin to today's style of fishing, making the tip a fraction lighter, I have minimas on mine, almost 30 percent lighter again, and as strong as k guides. Jim
  15. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    Not too shabby angling that, but that's commonplace for fiskerton and surrounding areas for me.
  16. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    Most of it really I've used mono for 45yrs, and agree about the high diameter for abrasion resistance. But have been using fox camo braid in 40lb, and in 4 seasons have lost about 2 leads and no barbel to cutt offs. And no, I don't use a leader at all, just a foot of tubing.
  17. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

  18. Jim Gregory

    HNV Boilies

    Nice too land a few on homemades. Nice one!
  19. Jim Gregory

    Floodwater line

    12lb!. No good up here on the trent Graham. I don't like losing anything tho 🤣