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Search results

  1. Russ Pike

    Don’t tell em PIKE! 🤦‍♂️

    Hi Derek, I already am. What a great source of information and knowledge 😃
  2. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

    That’s the price for 2 Torrix
  3. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

  4. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

    What rings would you go for?
  5. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

    Thanks Jim
  6. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

    Not wanting them for barbel, more tench than anything else
  7. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

    Many thanks for the advice Alan. I may well look down the hand built Harrison route. Best wishes Russ
  8. Russ Pike

    Fox Kevlex Extreme Multi tip Rods

    Hi, I’ve got the opportunity to buy two of these at £240.00 each, in mint condition. Could anyone on here advise if they are worth that money? Seen a couple on EBay for double that! Any advise appreciated Russ
  9. Russ Pike

    Harrison Advanced Rods

    Thanks Mike
  10. Russ Pike

    Harrison Advanced Rods

    Are these rods any good lads? Seen a couple up for sale
  11. Russ Pike

    Midland AC - Trent at Caythorpe stretch

    Here you go… https://www.midlandanglingsociety.com/
  12. Russ Pike

    Midland AC - Trent at Caythorpe stretch

    Sounds like it’s worth a trip then Joe, thanks for the feedback. There’s always a lot fish hoveringham end at the gravel car park and I do know where the brook runs in, I think it’s the Doverbeck. Nice pint in the Black Horse too! 🍺 Cheers Joe
  13. Russ Pike

    Midland AC - Trent at Caythorpe stretch

    Does anyone have any knowledge please on the above stretch of Trent at Caythorpe, run by Midland Angling? Was thinking of giving it a bash. I know the car park end gets bivvied up in peak times but was thinking more towards Gunthorpe.
  14. Russ Pike

    Don’t tell em PIKE! 🤦‍♂️

    Thanks Graham, it does become rather addictive, doesn’t it! “What! More fishing tackle!!?” 😬 I’ve been watching that kid on YouTube “lures only” I think he’s an ambassador for Fox now. He pulls some clonking Zander out! I’ve just joined the BMAA so hoping for a few Dove Chub before the season...
  15. Russ Pike

    Don’t tell em PIKE! 🤦‍♂️

    Thanks Simon for the welcome and reassurance. I’ve not ventured onto the tidal Trent yet, maybe next season. I’m currently reading the Bob Roberts book on the Mighty Trent
  16. Russ Pike

    Don’t tell em PIKE! 🤦‍♂️

    Thank you for letting me into this wonderful BFW! I am learning so much already! (Ref my surname, No Dads Army jokes please guys, if I had a quid for every time I’ve heard… ) Being Nottingham born and bred, I spent most of my childhood on the Trent but over the past 40 years I’ve been in and...