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Graham Phillips Barbel Rod

I think that's sometimes because some of the cheaper digital scales can't convert decimals to lbs and oz. Other times just ignorance - and no one likes to be told they're doing it wrong. :rolleyes:
There’s nothing wrong with my cheap luggage scales - they are more accurate than my Avons and my Reuben Heatons.

Furthermore I’ve seen plenty of instances when people have mis-weighed fish on spring scales (both under and over).

And don’t get me started on ‘pleasure’ anglers catching a big fish and guessing the weight because they haven’t got any scales.
I used to be fixated by weights but most fish I have been lucky enough to catch over recent years I won't bother weighing, no urge to. Only if it's exceptional will I dig out weighing kit. Many a big Carp and Barlbel over 12 pounds...
I used to be fixated by weights but most fish I have been lucky enough to catch over recent years I won't bother weighing, no urge to. Only if it's exceptional will I dig out weighing kit. Many a big Carp and Barlbel over 12 pounds...
12lb for you Martin,,,,pips as my good lady would say. 😂 surprised its not 15lb. 🤣