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Wayne Carroll's latest activity

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    Wayne Carroll posted the thread Ss1600 reel in Barbel Talk.
    I've handled the SS2600 but how does the 1600 compare in size and performance for small river barbel fishing? My fishing has developed...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Stephen Scaysbrook's post in the thread High end rods with Like Like.
    I had a pair of Free Spirit Hi's specialist in 1.75tc SU's for barbel fishing on the Derwent absolutely hated them..The stepped up but...
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    Wayne Carroll replied to the thread High end rods.
    The Free Spirit Seekers are one that's always been on my mind, and there are so many that love using them which make you believe you...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Richard Isaacs's post in the thread High end rods with Like Like.
    @Wayne Carroll there is always the rebuild option. If the blank you use now is exactly what you want but would be nice to have a custom...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Julian Griffiths's post in the thread High end rods with Like Like.
    Really interesting post there Wayne. It is such a personal thing when choosing rods. I don't mind admitting I've fallen into the trap...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Neil Smart's post in the thread High end rods with Like Like.
    Agonising over rods is what BFW is all about. We have an obsession over what is in principle a pretty straight forward problem and yet...
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    Wayne Carroll replied to the thread High end rods.
    Sounds like quite the journey Simon. I'd love a custom build and looked at Mark Tunley a few times alongside Dave Lumb who I see is...
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    Wayne Carroll replied to the thread High end rods.
    I think I'll take the manufacturers blurb with a pinch of salt from now on, although I do normally get a few reviews from users but like...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Derek Funcks's post in the thread High end rods with Like Like.
    Hi Wayne, firstly, welcome to the best fishing forum on the planet. As the old saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If your...
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    Wayne Carroll replied to the thread High end rods.
    Thanks Christian, I'll keep looking, as you said an upgrade is probably out there but it's just finding it. For now I'll start the new...
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    Wayne Carroll replied to the thread High end rods.
    You're right Richard, the action is very personal and I have always read that but only recently experienced it for myself. On paper and...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Alec Hague's post in the thread High end rods with Like Like.
    the important thing to bear in mind is that fishing for most of us is about personal enjoyment. A rod which helps us achieve that is...
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    Wayne Carroll posted the thread High end rods in Barbel Talk.
    So I've just started preparing my tackle ready for next week and in doing this I've also acquired another rod. My rods for the last 3...
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    Wayne Carroll reacted to Neil Blood's post in the thread DRENNAN Specialist rod info with Like Like.
    Re the new Barbel rods, I hope the quality and finish in better than the other specialist rods in the range e.g. the latest specialist...
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    Cheers 👍 I fish the Derbyshire Derwent, some real nice smaller stretches which I enjoy roving. It's been a tough few seasons recently...