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Recent content by Neil Blood

  1. Neil Blood

    Chicken Crap is “waste” NFU stuffed at High Court .

    According to the NFU….. “all farmers are guardians of the countryside” 🤣
  2. Neil Blood

    New rods

    I did read somewhere that the Guru Barbel rods were built by Daiwa?
  3. Neil Blood

    New Drennan products

    Yep hooks look good. I always liked the original Drennan Barbel hook, although the straight hook point was prone to turning over occasionally.
  4. Neil Blood

    Owner spring ccn hooks

    Best Chub hooks ever made IMHO. Many moons ago the BFW shop ordered me a load from Harrison Rods, who were the Owner importer.
  5. Neil Blood

    Barbel videos on YouTube

    I find the vast majority of stuff on Youtube to be amateurish, product placement mad or both. I’m also finding the latest Matt Hayes content to be a little dated in its style. My recommendation is take out a one month subscription to Fishflix, as the content from Martin Bowler is awesome and...
  6. Neil Blood

    What are you favourites hooks?

    Of interest there’s a complete new range of Drennan Specialist Hooks due to land, including a new Barbel Hook with a beaked point. Current choices: Barbel - Korda Wide Gape. Meat - Original Partridge Barbel hook Chub and Perch - Kamasan B983 Specialist.
  7. Neil Blood

    Darent Valley 13ft 2 piece specialist float rod.

    I may now actually consider an Acolyte 13ft Specimen or 12ft 2 piece Carp Waggler? As the river season is coming to an end, I’ll puchase something for next autumn, when my Perch season starts again. My other go to Perch rod is a 15ft Acolyte Plus, but its too long for certain tight swims...
  8. Neil Blood

    Cheese Flavours

    This is an old thread! Anyway, I received some of this last week in blue cheese flavour and it stinks: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/323232261867?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=o0Y33dnnQaG&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&var=513394184847&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Neil Blood

    Darent Valley 13ft 2 piece specialist float rod.

    It’s horrible as per my previous posts above
  10. Neil Blood

    Darent Valley 13ft 2 piece specialist float rod.

    I only just realised that there’s this option from Free Spirit in 13ft: https://johnsonrosstackle.co.uk/free-spirit-float-rods/19980-free-spirit-tamer-power-float-rod.html Any opinions please, based on what I want it for?
  11. Neil Blood

    Darent Valley 13ft 2 piece specialist float rod.

    That floppiness is the problem with the Drennan, when laying on close to cover, as when you hit a good fish, the top two thirds of the rod bend right round before hitting the more powerful lower butt section. You’re effectively giving the fish a meter start before you’re anywhere near in...
  12. Neil Blood

    Darent Valley 13ft 2 piece specialist float rod.

    Does anyone have experience of this rod: https://tacklebox.co.uk/darent-valley/tackle-box-darent-valley-13ft-2-piece-specialist-float-rod/ I want a 2 piece 13ft float rod, to be used for laying on for Perch with lobworms, which are occasionally taken by big Chub and Barbel. I’m not looking for...
  13. Neil Blood

    Beavers, again.

    Yep Scotland is far more wild than England and Wales, but even Scotland doesn’t have true wilderness. In 2021, NatureScot issued licenses to remove 120 Beavers from Tayside alone, 87 of which were killed under license. Also in England, you dont see the RSPB all over the Beaver success story...
  14. Neil Blood

    Korum Bait & Bits Bag alternative?

    That’s the one Steve, PM on its way 🙂