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eels, how do you hold to unhook them.

Neil Partridge

Senior Member
eels, they do my head in, what are your thoughts on how to hold & un-hook them. i know it best not to use a towel, i have tried news paper but still they get everywhere. hold them upside down, nope that didnt work either, so come on boys what do you do.:(
Love to know the answer to this one myself, don't want to cut the line so usually end up with it wrapped around my arm.
I try to unhook whilst still in the water with forceps if possible, I havent had them wrap themselves around the line this way. I have other times put them in the grass upside down but I cant seem to get that to work:eek:
caught a few in my time, i'm not a fan, unhooked in the water, in the net.
Neil please Dont put them in news paper or cloth thats the worse thing you can do to a eel. Takes the slime of the eel . First thing more you fight with the eel more they fight back. To un Hook them is easy if you Cant see the Hook cut the line as close to there mouth as you can. Please Dont try get it out all there organs are behind there head. Just put your hand over the eels eyes and stroke the eel it will stay still or turn the eel upside down and stroke it . Trust me it keep nice and still for you to un Hook. Like i said more you fight with them more fight back.
i have caught eels and not seen the Hook and cut my line as close to the mouth as i can. I put my eels in a keepnet next morning Hook is in the bottom of the keepnet. I do a lot of eel fishing and this is what i do
Neil please Dont put them in news paper or cloth thats the worse thing you can do to a eel. Takes the slime of the eel . First thing more you fight with the eel more they fight back. To un Hook them is easy if you Cant see the Hook cut the line as close to there mouth as you can. Please Dont try get it out all there organs are behind there head. Just put your hand over the eels eyes and stroke the eel it will stay still or turn the eel upside down and stroke it . Trust me it keep nice and still for you to un Hook. Like i said more you fight with them more fight back.

Well said Dean, I normally stroke them and this calms them down It also works with a strong grip just behind the gills as goes for unhooking them i have always cut the line straight ajusta out 3" from the mouth then calmed it down then took the hook out
Well said Dean, I normally stroke them and this calms them down It also works with a strong grip just behind the gills as goes for unhooking them i have always cut the line straight ajusta out 3" from the mouth then calmed it down then took the hook out

That's just killed the eel then:(

As Dean said, ALL their vital organs are situated behind the head, so any 'squeezing' in this area can damage the organs and kill the eels.

Can I suggest if your unsure, you watch this....

The Compleat Angler: Training Eels Video at YourDiscovery.com

Ok, they are fairly calm to start with, but trust me, with a bit of patients it does work, even with the most aggressive of eels....

That's just killed the eel then:(

As Dean said, ALL their vital organs are situated behind the head, so any 'squeezing' in this area can damage the organs and kill the eels.

Can I suggest if your unsure, you watch this....

The Compleat Angler: Training Eels Video at YourDiscovery.com

Ok, they are fairly calm to start with, but trust me, with a bit of patients it does work, even with the most aggressive of eels....


I must have been lucky by doing this then as the ones I have caught have all swam back fine by using this method, I don't mean a grip as though I strangling it or squeezing it to that extent but a grip as though it dosnt slide through my hand and striking its head calms the eel down, however I didn't know the vital organs were behind the head so I will watch the video and hopefully learn abit more for next time thanks!!!
I must have been lucky by doing this then as the ones I have caught have all swam back fine by using this method, I don't mean a grip as though I strangling it or squeezing it to that extent but a grip as though it dosnt slide through my hand and striking its head calms the eel down, however I didn't know the vital organs were behind the head so I will watch the video and hopefully learn abit more for next time thanks!!!

Striking it on the head will certainly calm it down:D
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Once upon a long ago I fished the river Hull regularly. I was quite adept at unhooking eels, I got plenty of practice. It's been that long ago since I caught any eels that I can't remember what I used to do.:(
Darn ere in old London Town, they chop em up and put em in jelly, that seems to calm em down completely :)

Seriously though, great catfish bait, sorry Deano ;)
Many years ago, oop norf, I used to catch loads of "snigs", always on little ooks, and they'd always swallowed them right down so just cut the line and left em to it, more of a problem if piking and they take a treble down, you are better knocking it on the head and using it for bait then! The few I have had whilst Barbelling with big hooks and hire have been fairly straightforward, hooked in lip or mouth
Striking them on the head and they swim back healthy ? You must be realy lucky like you say.

What scuba said to watch is well worth watching. On youtube.
i have caught eels and not seen the Hook and cut my line as close to the mouth as i can. I put my eels in a keepnet next morning Hook is in the bottom of the keepnet. I do a lot of eel fishing and this is what i do

Do you use barbless hooks so the eel can do this Dean?

Can an Eel rid itself of a barbed hook?

Is there any need for a barbed hook ?

Clearly I'm thinking hooks for specimen eels here.
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Dont know how true it is but heard years ago that they have stomach juices that can break things down quickly or a digestive system that can pass things , know a couple of guys in Anguilla club will try and ask them and see if can get an answer
Yes rob thats right. Eels i catch that i cant see the hook i cut the trace straight aeay dont mess with it. Some cough the hook up in the sack next morning.

What nac members do you know ?
If its a small eel and you can see the hook, hold the hooklength swivel and lift the eel out of the water by this the clamp your forceps on the hook and turn it upside down and the eel should drop back into the water. Trying to hold the eel will just result in it wrapping itself around anything and everything possible. I do a lot of fishing for big eels and the larger ones are a much different prospect, usually much calmer.
With regards to hooks i use barbless for all fish baits, when runs may be left a little before striking, and barbed with worms, all runs are then hit immediately before the bobbin reaches the rod. Like most others i firmly believe eels will rid itself of any hooks left in, usually overnight if sacked up.
Although they are not everyones cup of tea please do respect any you catch, im sure there wouldnt be many people recommending knocking a deep hooked barbel on the head, they would also make great cat baits!
Met Steve Richardson a couple of times as he is a member of the ABF also Mark Ried who is also a member on here and ABF and who I have been fishing with him for last 3 years