Clive Shipman
Senior Member & Supporter
I've recently decided to waste half a season chasing some mythical carp in a deep stretch of my local river. These fish don't seem to show themselves and on all of my visits I've seen very little activity even in this warm weather. I have been told by a local house holder on the river that she has seen some very big fish and a guy who match fishes the stretch says it has some very big carp. I know it had fish to over 30lb 20 years ago but no one has really targeted them since the otters arrived. I have started baiting one swim (the closest to the ladies house 800m away) primarily with pellets and boilie's three times a week (about 2kg) but a carp fishing buddy recommended chick peas maize or just boilie's so the bait last longer in the water and isn't destroyed by smaller species giving the carp time to find them (if they even exist
So the river itself isn't big (Bristol Avon) and ranges from 20 to 25ft deep in places with little flow being some 600m above a weir. It has a very firm bottom and a few trees in the water here and there. So my question is any tips or hints on how to get the best out of the situation. I have fished mainly evenings as I'm not a over night kind of guy but have also been recommended that early mornings may be better. Any insights will be welcome.

So the river itself isn't big (Bristol Avon) and ranges from 20 to 25ft deep in places with little flow being some 600m above a weir. It has a very firm bottom and a few trees in the water here and there. So my question is any tips or hints on how to get the best out of the situation. I have fished mainly evenings as I'm not a over night kind of guy but have also been recommended that early mornings may be better. Any insights will be welcome.