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Congratulations Phil Nixon on Hants Avon record

Andy Frances

Staff member
Hi all,

I just wanted to say congratulations to Phil Nixon on being the new Hampshire Avon record holder. I've been away so am a little late with the news and updating the records list.

All records can be viewed here:

Barbel river records


Brilliant looking fish well done Phil.
Great fish. Has anyone noticed that the guy hasn't got massive hands in the picture? So it seems he is an honest man and the fish is genuine. How very refreshing Phil, truly well done that man, I applaud you and your fish. Excellent.

Cheers, Dave.
Well done Phil thats a lovely fish....
Great fish. Has anyone noticed that the guy hasn't got massive hands in the picture? So it seems he is an honest man and the fish is genuine. How very refreshing Phil, truly well done that man, I applaud you and your fish. Excellent.

Cheers, Dave.

As Secretary of Ringwood & District, that goes without saying, Dave. Phil is a top man and his fish was well deserved from one of the more difficult Avon stretches.

As Secretary of Ringwood & District, that goes without saying, Dave. Phil is a top man and his fish was well deserved from one of the more difficult Avon stretches.


I know Dave, I just wanted to make the point that Phil's fish WAS obviously genuine, as opposed to some of the other sad stuff we see. I get heartily sick of photo's of 'New records' in the comics or on Facebook, showing fish that are clearly nothing like the size claimed.

Ok, I acknowledge that judging the size of a fish from a photograph is not easy. However, a fish which is clearly being held out at arms length, showing the captors hands to be the size of spades with sausage fingers tells you all you need to know.

So, as I say, it is truly refreshing to see Phil giving a lesson in how to do it properly. Everyone who looks at that pic, whether they know/know of Phil or not, will know that that fish is exactly as claimed. Good on him, and congratulations to him on his new record.

Cheers, Dave.
I know Dave, I just wanted to make the point that Phil's fish WAS obviously genuine, as opposed to some of the other sad stuff we see. I get heartily sick of photo's of 'New records' in the comics or on Facebook, showing fish that are clearly nothing like the size claimed.

Ok, I acknowledge that judging the size of a fish from a photograph is not easy. However, a fish which is clearly being held out at arms length, showing the captors hands to be the size of spades with sausage fingers tells you all you need to know.

So, as I say, it is truly refreshing to see Phil giving a lesson in how to do it properly. Everyone who looks at that pic, whether they know/know of Phil or not, will know that that fish is exactly as claimed. Good on him, and congratulations to him on his new record.

Cheers, Dave.

I wouldn't normally dream of posting what I'm about to do but your ill informed and derogatory comments about a picture I posted of a witnessed 48" long salmon gives me a tad of leeway.

Whilst I couldn't give a stuff about your willingness to denigrate another's capture purely on the basis of a photo, i find it odd reading your opinion on the supposed accuracy of fish weights in photos, having been sent a picture by several people outraged at your ill informed opinion, pointing out that you have some of the biggest sausage fingers ever to be put into the public domain. Please don't lecture this place on not holding fish out at arms length after the pictures I've been sent.

However, unlike you I don't publicly denigrate people's captures, especially on the basis of a couple of pictures - the best of which haven't even been put in the public domain.

I am genuinely gobsmacked that you think I lied about that salmon's length. I have never, ever lied about either the weight or length of any fish. Moreover, unlike you, I have never, ever publicly criticised someone if my only knowledge was a couple of published pictures.

Like I said I don't give a stuff. I'll carry on chasing the mighty gobio, safe in the knowledge that my captures won't even register on your, and those of similar opinions, radar.

You have however made my mind up with regard to this place, I'm out.

Andy, take that as a no for the forthcoming season.

Really sorry to hear that Nigel, anything you report on can be taken as 100% genuine and that is the belief of all that know you.

Many thanks for the congratulations on my fish, I'm certainly not an expert at photographs, I very rarely take photos being more concerned with getting the fish back in the water safely. I felt obliged to take photos and report the fish as I knew it was a river record, I hadn't taken a photo of any other fish this season and was worried that the batteries were flat when it would't work but it was because I hadn't put the flash up.

Mostly I fish alone but had a friend down from Luton and also one of our members was fishing nearby and they were able to witness the fish. When I first weighed the fish it went 17-1, after resting (the fish) I reweighed it at 17-0.
The scales were checked in Ringwood tackle at 17-0 and the true weight was 16-15.
When I moved to Dorset over 6 years ago I never thought I would get near to beating my PB, a fish of 17-3 off the Ouse, shows how wrong you can be.
There are a lot of anglers who put a lot more time and effort in on the Avon than me so I consider myself very fortunate to have caught the fish.

Good luck to you all on your respective rivers for the coming season, hopefully you will achieve what you set out to do but the main thing is to enjoy your fishing as I do.
I wouldn't normally dream of posting what I'm about to do but your ill informed and derogatory comments about a picture I posted of a witnessed 48" long salmon gives me a tad of leeway.

Whilst I couldn't give a stuff about your willingness to denigrate another's capture purely on the basis of a photo, i find it odd reading your opinion on the supposed accuracy of fish weights in photos, having been sent a picture by several people outraged at your ill informed opinion, pointing out that you have some of the biggest sausage fingers ever to be put into the public domain. Please don't lecture this place on not holding fish out at arms length after the pictures I've been sent.

However, unlike you I don't publicly denigrate people's captures, especially on the basis of a couple of pictures - the best of which haven't even been put in the public domain.

I am genuinely gobsmacked that you think I lied about that salmon's length. I have never, ever lied about either the weight or length of any fish. Moreover, unlike you, I have never, ever publicly criticised someone if my only knowledge was a couple of published pictures.

Like I said I don't give a stuff. I'll carry on chasing the mighty gobio, safe in the knowledge that my captures won't even register on your, and those of similar opinions, radar.

You have however made my mind up with regard to this place, I'm out.

Andy, take that as a no for the forthcoming season.

I don't know anything about this Salmon malarky , I presume it's one of these dreaded facebook fall outs ? Whatever has gone on it would be a shame and a loss if you left the forum Nigel .
Well done Phil. An absolute monster. It obviously takes an extremely talented angler to catch a 16lb+ Barbel from the Hants Avon. :cool::cool:

I would say that the pictures of the Salmon were also fantastic.

40lb? 48lb? Not quite 40lb? Who cares! It's a fish of a lifetime and it's amazing to see a historic fishery like the Royalty producing such monsters. Awesome.
I don't know anything about this Salmon malarky , I presume it's one of these dreaded facebook fall outs ? Whatever has gone on it would be a shame and a loss if you left the forum Nigel .

Totally agree Mike - don't let one person drive you out Nigel - be a great shame if you left BFW
Oh dear lord, what a sad and sorry mess this has turned out to be, and it's all down to misinterpretation of a genuinely innocent question. Nigel, I think you really should look back on your wording in the posts you are referring to, and perhaps see it as I saw it...then think again about your conclusions regarding my intentions....because I assure you that at present you are utterly wrong.

I looked at the two pictures of salmon that you had posted, both of which seemed to be being held by the same chap, if clothing and the top of a head is anything to go by. On the first of those photo's, you made it clear that you had caught the fish shown, and also said that incidentally, there had been a fish of over 40lb caught on the river as well. AT NO TIME did you give any hint that you had in fact caught both of the fish you mentioned.

The fish in the second picture did look bigger, and on looking again now, considerably bigger. However, I am now viewing it with the knowledge that you in fact DID catch both fish, and that places things into a totally different perspective. At the time I asked a genuinely innocent and well intentioned question, you have my word on that, whatever value you choose to put on that statement.

Had you at ANY TIME made it clear...or even so much as hinted that you had in fact caught the 40+ fish too, then my question would never have been asked, and this whole depressing issue would never have happened. I may, with hindsight, have been a bit naive. Had I flicked back and forth between pictures I could possibly have worked it out for myself...but I didn't, and for that I apologize. However, I will not apologize for something that I am categorically not guilty of. You ARE completely wrong in your assumption of what my intentions were Nigel, totally wrong.

I have always had strong views on things, that much is true, and sometimes those views are seen (by some) to be controversial. But, I will tell you this Nigel, if what you accuse me of were true, I would hold my hand up. I have always stated my views honestly and openly...you really are wrong on this one chap.

I just find it sad, depressing, and so unnecessary that something that was genuine, and at worst was poorly worded and/or thought through, has been blown up into something as seemingly sinister as this. I was shocked, stunned in fact, when I saw your post on this matter. I have been sitting here for hours after reading it, wondering how the heck you came to the conclusion you did. Not much more I can say really, but what I have said is the absolute truth. Whether or not you choose to believe it is completely up to you Nigel.

Dave for what it is worth I can find no malice whatsoever in what you posted on here, why the outburst is a mystery to me also.
Thanks for that Neil, I beginning to think that I was going nuts. I could understand it if I had intended to belittle Nigel's fish, because then I would have expected his reaction. As it is, this strange accusation coming out of the blue has left me reeling....I just cannot come to terms with it.

My old laptop went to PC heaven a few days back, and I only bought the new one I am using now yesterday. So, I get back on line and the first thing I find is 129 new emails, which took me ages to sift through, followed by this sad situation. Not for the first time, I am wondering whether the advice I was recently given by master Lush was actually spot on, that he may have hit the nail right on the head. Perhaps I would be a lot better off staying away from forums and the like, it seems that there are far too many occasions when a perfectly innocent thing can be turned on it's head and made into something it was never intended to be. I know that all too well, because sometimes I get things all wrong and jump to the wrong conclusions too. We anglers are a rather odd, touchy old lot aren't we? Almost as bad as the rest of humanity I guess :)

Cheers, Dave.