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Anyone used Shimano Catana Barbel Power (old version?)

Graham Shaw

Senior Member
Anyone used one of these 12 foot Shimano Catana Barbel Power (see pic) ? Thinking of purchasing, but seller isn't a former user and doesn't know much about it, t/c not marked.

This is long discontinued, not the more recently discontinued 2-tip version that has a 1.75 and a 2.25, which is all I can find by googling. This one just has the one tip, no coloured quivertips.

From a distance I like the look of it, and I defo want it if it's about 2.25 t/c, but it's not enough of a bargain to take a punt.

Any views of it as a floodwater rod on a big river, or a hit and hold power rod on a smaller one?


  • Catana_barbel_power.jpg
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I'm pretty sure they are 1.75 t/c.
I have and still use occasionally two shimano barbel hyper loops in 1.75
Served me well over the years n still going strong.
Depends what the price tag is, I'd be looking to pay a max of £30-£35.
If not there are other bargains about
thanks Clive. that helps me decide against them, very helpful

(anyway, instead of purchasing that one, my local tackle shop is closing down so 30% off and I've bagged a couple of rods which i may pass comment on in due course)>