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Ian Timms
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    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms reacted to Paul Rogers's post in the thread Fluorocarbon mainline with Like Like.
      I have been a long time (12YEARS) user of Fluorocarbon as a mainline for barbel legering with a centre pin. I have found no trouble in...
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms reacted to Phil Heaton's post in the thread Cheaper pins with Like Like.
      I’ll second the rapidex, tough as old boots and reliable. The narrow drum isn’t a problem either as it still holds plenty of line.
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms replied to the thread Cheaper pins.
      Can only comment on the ledgering option - if your going to use and abuse then look no further than the good old Rapidex, I’ve been...
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms reacted to Neil Smart's post in the thread Fishing a low stocked water with Like Like.
      Some excellent posts, and reinforces just what we are up against if we don't fish the Trent. I am not the most patient of anglers and...
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms reacted to Gavin Burt's post in the thread Fishing a low stocked water with Like Like.
      I primarily fish the Avon around Warwick, mainly because I don’t have much time on my hands and I can be on the bank within <15mins for...
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms reacted to Chris Thomson's post in the thread Fishing a low stocked water with Like Like.
      The problem with areas i fish is that most if not all are using nutritional good/ high baits and its hard to get your bait to stand out...
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms replied to the thread Fishing a low stocked water.
      Clive, I suppose I’m one of those “head-bangers”. Have been fishing my “local” Sussex Rother for a number of years now as it’s only a...
    • Ian Timms
      Ian Timms replied to the thread JB Taste F2 basemix.
      Taste F2 - not for me, used it throughout last Season on a number of occasions but no barbel. IMO not in the same class as the JB frost...
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