Torrix at 11' - 2lb, 1.75 and 1.5 test. The 1.75 is quite a fast action, the 1.5 slightly more through. All blanks are slimmer than their 12' bigger brothers. Wonderful (IMO) slim and light blanks. Diameter at top of foregrip is approx 11.5 to 12mm on the 11'. The butt sections use cross weave carbon.
GTI at 11' and 1.75. Plain carbon, more through action, diameter at foregrip is similar to the Torrix.
Used both in 'anger', landed some fish, got personally the 2, 1.75 and 1.5 Torrix 11' and between the GTI and Torrix the Torrix is far ahead for my fishing. Also nice in the so called ultramatt finish.
Just been prototyping an 11' Torrix with plug in quivers and results are encouraging. All set up for doing this (no it's not available from Harrison as I cut my own tapers etc). A little more testing to do.
Regarding the Torrix vs GTI blanks can be very subjective - suggest you find someone who has both and then have a wiggle.