BFW River Wye Fish-In - Friday August 5th 2005


by Malcolm Clarke


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With the intended Wye fish-In following quickly on the heels of the immensely enjoyable Teme bash, which IMO was the best to date?
Then to have a hand in the organising of this one was rather daunting, and both Ray and I did have numerous doubts as to whether this one, would live up to the high standards set by previous events.


Suppose the word fools comes into mind, as with the bunch of lads and lasses that BFW have brought together, what other than a most enjoyable fun filled weekend was going to be had, and this was most certainly the case this weekend.


Friday 05-08-05

Once the old tank was packed with my gear along with the weekend’s supply of cider, it wasn’t long before the quite little cul-de-sac that I live in was disturbed by the roar of boy racer Ray. As he turned up in yet another different car, this one being a RS 2000 I believe, what is it with Ray and fast cars, doesn’t he know he’s getting too old for them, just glad it was my car we would be making the journey up to the Bib’s in, as that should slow the bugger down a bit.

With heavy rain having fallen for most of the previous evening, it was pleasing that just after we left, the sun broke through the grey cloud laden sky and hopefully this bright sunshine would continue throughout the weekend.


Getting to the entrance at the Royal Hotel car park, we were quickly joined by Tommo, seems those concerns over the weekend being a failure were to surface once again, as try as we might, with three different keys! No way was the lock to the entrance gate going to open. As we drove up to the entrance on the top road, praying that the key would still work in this lock, it was decided that Ray and myself would  take it in turns and ferry the cars round to this gate for the weekend.

                         Let us in Please!

Success the key worked, so this meant I was to be taken on a Colin McRae style drive down along the track, as Ray explained he’d done this drive many a time on his PS2, so he knew every bend. So with Tommo left in a trail of dust, down the track the old battle weary tank of mine flew, with me holding on for my life.
Within minutes we arrived at the top meadow which was going to be base camp for the weekend, here we found JW in residence and as usual the kettle was on. After a quick cuppa and a discussion regarding John’s latest choice of chair, (see later) Ray and I made the first of what was going to be many treks back up the track, to greet and direct any new arrivals.

Wye Views






Here is a selection of just some of the spectacular views awaiting the first time visitor to this beautiful stretch of the Wye.
The chairs are just one of a number of amazing wood carvings to be found in the area, these are  down by the swing bridge, not as some of you would believe, placed there for Rayo and myself for a well earned break when that bloody key don't work.


                                     Bivy Meadow
As the afternoon trundled into early evening, the peace and serenity of the top meadow that we had found on our arrival, slowly dissolved into something resembling a Butlins holiday camp. As tents, bivy’s and the odd crèche were erected, along with the coming and going of anglers, each looking for that perfect swim for the weekend, that is the one not that far away from the beer & bbq.  

With gate duty over for the day, it was time to catch up with the ones who had gone fishing, or at least that was my intentions. Deciding to start off with a visit to the bottom of the fishery, where I knew Tommo would be and then work my way back along the track to drop in on Tony & Dr D, Steve (scubasteve) & Lee, Mel (Hydropsyche), Tony (Pendost), Dave (barney11) and any others who I had missed whilst doing my car guiding duty. Somehow this never got off the ground as at my first stop came a suggestion from Tommo for dinner in the Saracens, this seemed too good an idea to refuse, so the Saracens it was. Whilst at the pub a few of the later arrivals turned up and were given directions up to the top gate, as no way was I taking them around and going to let my faggots get cold!
Seems Matt didn't quite understand these directions though, as some twenty minutes after leaving Tommo and I to enjoy our pint, back he came, as he could not find the gate. (Matt) now I was more than happy to down the cider and have a lift back to the base camp, but you try getting Tommo to rush his cool smooth pint of Guinness! No way.

Returning from the pub with Tommo we could see the fishing had ended for the day, for most of the party, as we were greeted by the sight of twenty or more anglers sat round the base camp. As to be expected many a great story and tale was being told, and it was great to learn that fish had been caught by quite a few of the party, seemed JW was leading the way with a couple, also Boris had been banked by Andy D, Dave , Mel and Lee.

With the beer now flowing freely, it wasn't long before the banter and joke telling began to take over the evening and no better story was to be told, than Ray's version of Calamity Jane. Seemed embarrassment though prevented him from telling the three female members of the party this story, so guess Claire, Mel and Sue would have to wait until Saturday eve, when a few more beers would be downed, to understand just why the words "Yippee aye yea" seemed to be following Ray around the base camp.

With the prospect of a full days fishing tomorrow on the minds of many, slowly the party broke up as anglers made there way to there tents and bivy's for a good nights sleep, with only a few of the die-hards carrying on with the drinking and joke telling session.
There was to be one other rather funny incident before the night ended, which resulted in Rayo telling a rather loud Ray (tarquin) from the confinements of his tent "there's a youth hostel across the river". Can't really elaborate on this incident, except to say in true BFW fashion handshakes and laughter were to be exchanged in the morning.

by Malcolm Clarke


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