Barbel Fishing World Fish-in (No 1) 2005

The Haven Fishery - River Teme, Worcestershire

1st - 3rd July 2005


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We are very pleased to confirm the details of the first bfw fish-in of the new season. BFW members have the rare opportunity of fishing one of the most beautiful and prolific stretches of the River Teme near Worcester called

The Haven Fishery

Map of The Haven Fishery


Click image to enlarge


Full details:

Venue - Haven 1 & Haven 2 - River Teme (off the A44 near Worcester)

Brandsford AA have also very kindly offered BFW members to fish Cotheridge Church downstream of Haven 1 & 2.

Night fishing is permitted on Haven 1 & 2 on Friday and Saturday night.

Camping is allowed in the field at Haven 1 but the number of tents will be limited. Portaloo will be available.

Beer & BBQ Saturday evening at bfw base camp on Haven 1

Cost for whole weekend £25 - this includes the tickets for fishing and camping, a donation to Acorns Childrens Hospice in Worcester and a small contribution towards the portaloo and bbq.

One day - either Sat or Sunday £15

Payment can be sent in advance to Barbel Fishing World, PO Box 2878, Chippenham, SN14 7WX. Cheques made payable to Barbel Fishing World.

If anybody has a Birmingham AA ticket, you may also fish upstream of Haven 1 & 2.

Meeting point - Haven 1 either Friday evening (camping is allowed Friday evening) after 6.00pm or Saturday morning 9.00am onwards for coffee and bacon baps!

Access to Haven 1 is through a gate and down a track into a field where there will be space to park cars and pitch tents although we must keep journeys across the field to an absolute minimum.

Cross on the map indicates Haven 1 fishery and the bfw base camp

Click here for directions from where you live to The Haven Fishery



Exclusive fish-in for bfw members only

Please note that you will be denied access to the fishery for the duration of the weekend if you are not a bfw member and have not confirmed your place with bfw in advance.



If you would like to join us for the weekend, would like further information or if you have any queries, please email bfw

We look forward to seeing you there!

Andy and Claire (Haven 2004)



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