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Youngs River Specialist Centrepin....

Julian Griffiths

Senior Member & Supporter
Morning all.

In short. How do people rate them, user experience & all that? 🤣

Clive Shipman very kindly suggested to look at the G. Y Royal avon supreme, and I know he knows his stuff, so thanks Clive!

But I'm hoping for something a little more modern looking, although the price tag is rather a lot.

I don't particularly want to buy blind without seeing one in the flesh so to speak. I'd rather try & get my hands on one first and take a proper look if possible.
So I'm also searching tackle shops that may have them, if anyone knows of any?
Bucks, Berks, Oxfordshire areas. 👍
Morning all.

In short. How do people rate them, user experience & all that? 🤣

Clive Shipman very kindly suggested to look at the G. Y Royal avon supreme, and I know he knows his stuff, so thanks Clive!

But I'm hoping for something a little more modern looking, although the price tag is rather a lot.

I don't particularly want to buy blind without seeing one in the flesh so to speak. I'd rather try & get my hands on one first and take a proper look if possible.
So I'm also searching tackle shops that may have them, if anyone knows of any?
Bucks, Berks, Oxfordshire areas. 👍
Never used one but I believe they are a do all bearing pin.
4.5 x 1 good free running trotting pin with adjustable tension on the clicker for lead work in all conditions.

Heard tales of check being tight to engage but I’d guess once it’s used afew times and bedded in/loosened up, it’s probably fine.

Ian woods rates his very highly for trotting
I also heard the same story about the check being stiff. One guy described it as "if you can imagine holding a pencil in the palm of one hand and with the thumb of the other hand pushing the pencil to snap it, that's about how hard." I think he's exaggerating, but that at least gives you some idea about how stiff that thing is.

Chris from Youngs said this design is on purpose: "the pressure is needed to keep the lever from jumping out.". So I assume it won't soften easily?
I have one. I like it very much especially the adjustable drag when legering close in. But I must admit I prefer the simplicity of my Ray Waltons for most of my barbel fishing
Morning all.

In short. How do people rate them, user experience & all that? 🤣

Clive Shipman very kindly suggested to look at the G. Y Royal avon supreme, and I know he knows his stuff, so thanks Clive!

But I'm hoping for something a little more modern looking, although the price tag is rather a lot.

I don't particularly want to buy blind without seeing one in the flesh so to speak. I'd rather try & get my hands on one first and take a proper look if possible.
So I'm also searching tackle shops that may have them, if anyone knows of any?
Bucks, Berks, Oxfordshire areas. 👍
Julian, @Ian Woods is your man. He has one and uses it a lot 👍
Only just cocked this thread, my opinion of the youngs RS is a highly positive one.
I very much like them, and the ratchet lever is fine for me.
I bought one when they very first came out, infact I have no2. Since then I bought another which kind'a shows how much I like them.

Not only are youngs reels excellent quality, but you also get first class after sales service from them.
Chris, the owner of youngs (a real gentleman) recently repaired a reel for me which I had dropped, he did a top job of the repaire and he sent me the reel back looking like a new penny!
Only just cocked this thread, my opinion of the youngs RS is a highly positive one.
I very much like them, and the ratchet lever is fine for me.
I bought one when they very first came out, infact I have no2. Since then I bought another which kind'a shows how much I like them.

Not only are youngs reels excellent quality, but you also get first class after sales service from them.
Chris, the owner of youngs (a real gentleman) recently repaired a reel for me which I had dropped, he did a top job of the repaire and he sent me the reel back looking like a new penny!
Second that
Chris is nothing short of excellent
He’s sorted 2 of my 20 year old pins out and charged me next to nothing for the privilege.

Even if the product was average (which it’s not btw) I’d continue to buy them based on the aftersales alone.

My kingpin zeppelin is probably my highest quality centrepin I own yet I wouldn’t buy a new one if they were half price simply because unlike youngs they don’t respond to any form of communication whatsoever. I’d dread to think what would happen if I ever sent a pin to them for repair. 🤦‍♂️
On the check lever being stiff.... sounds great... I think the one on the BJ is far too loose.
On the check lever being stiff.... sounds great... I think the one on the BJ is far too loose.
I love it. I find the check on the Bj absolute perfection in position, strength and spool resistance. I’ve ordered and used the same design for my g mills pin coming soon.
I love the fact I can slide my finger down the rim with no real accuracy and just knock it on
Morning all.

In short. How do people rate them, user experience & all that? 🤣

Clive Shipman very kindly suggested to look at the G. Y Royal avon supreme, and I know he knows his stuff, so thanks Clive!

But I'm hoping for something a little more modern looking, although the price tag is rather a lot.

I don't particularly want to buy blind without seeing one in the flesh so to speak. I'd rather try & get my hands on one first and take a proper look if possible.
So I'm also searching tackle shops that may have them, if anyone knows of any?
Bucks, Berks, Oxfordshire areas. 👍
Hi Julian, you mention Bucks in your post …where are you? I have one I bought mainly for Tench fishing (not used on the river yet Despite its name) but will use later in year on the river. Lovely reel and I don’t find the check problematic
I am in mk14 so if ever in this area your more than welcome to come and have look/play….however I would also say keep an eye on eBay seller fishing7495, they have 10% off at moment have seen them reduce more and also TFT they sometimes do specials, got mine from them for £299 with a coupon and at that price if you don’t like it you’ll probably be able to sell it at a profit!!
I'd not used a pin for 25 years but bought a River specialist to go on my 11ft 1.75lb Torrix.

I'm not gonna be much use to you as I have nothing to compare it to but would echo what others say about the ratchet, it's extremely stiff but I spoke to Chris about this, it's so stiff I wanted to check it wasn't faulty and he said its designed that way.

The adjustment on it is brilliant, I went to my local commercial the other day as I was yet to catch using it, put it on my Acolyte and caught a load of carp, up to 12lb. With the ratchet set to its tightest the carp would take line when they bolted but it was tight enough to let go and not let any line off.
On the check lever being stiff.... sounds great... I think the one on the BJ is far too loose.
I prefer the check to be a bit loose, especially the rim check ones so I can operate it with one figure, I have a few rim check pins, and there’s absolutely no way I can operate them with one figure, especially when pushing it down.
Second that
Chris is nothing short of excellent
He’s sorted 2 of my 20 year old pins out and charged me next to nothing for the privilege.

Even if the product was average (which it’s not btw) I’d continue to buy them based on the aftersales alone.

My kingpin zeppelin is probably my highest quality centrepin I own yet I wouldn’t buy a new one if they were half price simply because unlike youngs they don’t respond to any form of communication whatsoever. I’d dread to think what would happen if I ever sent a pin to them for repair. 🤦‍♂️

Yep, agree on every point.

I love it. I find the check on the Bj absolute perfection in position, strength and spool resistance. I’ve ordered and used the same design for my g mills pin coming soon.
I love the fact I can slide my finger down the rim with no real accuracy and just knock it on

I also like the BJ reels, but i'm not overstruck on the ratchet lever, and do find the actual lever too easy to engage. The slightest accidental contact knocks it on or off when I use mine.
I would prefer the actual spring to be stiffer which would most likely reduce the chances of accidentaly knocking the ratchet on or off in ise.
As I said, I am a fan of the BJ, i've had one for close to 20yrs and even after hundreds of outings the reel still looks unused.