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Worth a watch....

Hi Neil, sterner stuff indeed chap....but genuine thanks for your interest in my health, much appreciated :) Unfortunately, I am now well enough to subject you to one of my interminable posts, in punishment for the batterings you give me about carpers :D

In answer to your question re. the 'Snagging' thread, I didn't miss it at all...I just thought the opportunities were being covered very adequately without my intervention...and of course I am far too refined a person to indulge in such naughtiness :p:D.

Seriously though, we have a rich history of innuendo in British culture, it is seen by most as acceptable. That you, judging by various comments in the past, seem to see it as reprehensible, and thus makes me a lesser person is OK Neil, that is your right, I have no problems with that at all.

Just out of curiosity though, may I put these points to you? As an angler, you are no doubt aware that lifestyle changes have meant that recruitment figures into the hobby are at their lowest for a very long time, so inevitably angler numbers are shrinking, which amongst other things, is leading to the closure of many angling shops and related businesses. Our hobby is also faced with other direct threats , both those to our waterways and to the fish and other native inhabitant populations in them....than at any time in history since the industrial revolution.

We have cormorants in never before seen numbers, including many that are not our native, indigenous variety. Ditto for crayfish, except that they are now virtually ALL the non indigenous species, and are much larger and have a MUCH more troublesome nature than our native type ever did. We have the return of otters, which, whatever your views on the rights or wrongs of that contentious issue are....WILL inevitably mean less fish in our rivers. Then there's the mink, which have only been around in significant numbers for less than half of my angling life. Add to that lot mitten crabs, and a host of other critters not native to our waterways....and you have a serious situation.

If you then factor in the large increase in our human population, a large proportion of whom are European immigrants (apparently with HUGE numbers still to come) then you are adding to the already serious situation we face to a massive degree. The fact that many of these peoples see our coarse fish as fair play for the pot IS an additional problem, however, without doubt the worst effect of that population explosion is the vast increase in housing that will be required. This inevitably will place unprecedented extra pressure on our water supply, sewage treatment...and every other requirements of life you care to think of, not to mention the added pollution of all types that it will all bring. That the NHS system, and indeed our national economy may well collapse as a result is pertinent, but perhaps to be discussed another time.

Not a pretty picture overall is it? Unprecedented predator levels coupled with insidious new chemical pollution. A need for more young recruits into the hobby...and instead we are getting less. We can't cope with the demands our current population presents....and yet it is going to grow hugely quite soon. Deep poo on the horizon Neil (DO wake up Neil :D) THAT pun was intended.

So...faced with that little lot, which of these two options do you think we need less of mate? Which will potentially be more likely to bring about our eventual downfall? The dreadful crime of innuendo on a forum? Or the age old culture of anglers so seriously but unnecessarily disparate and disorganised that they couldn't organise the proverbial in a brewery...which is all down to petty, imagined differences and elitist delusions which are allowed to go beyond the bounds of banter and fun until they are bordering on outright hatred?

Take your pick dear boy....it's got me beat :D

Take it easy Neil...and make sure you post those pictures up when you land your monsters :)

Cheers, Dave.
Terry Hearn and Martin Bowler are the two angling writers I most enjoy reading. They both come across as really knowledgeable and humble guys. I have to say though, MR Bowler is starting to bear an uncanny resemblance to Dave Myers of the Hairy Bikers.

Nick C

Nick....how can you be so cruel :D To point out the visible ravages of the ageing process is deeply distressing to us...errr...less young types. Cough. I used to look in the mirror and see someone average....acceptably ugly I suppose you could call it. Now I see something more akin to something in the Egyptology section of the British museum. Think I would rather look like Dave Myers. Mind you, I have got nearly as much hair as Martin, so I guess that will have to do :D

Cheers, Dave.