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Weed cutter with bank stick screw fitment

Gavin Burt

Senior Member
Has anyone used this Dinsmore weed cutters at all please and can recommend them or any other brands ?

Also, any idea if them come with a protective cover at all as don’t really fancy chopping a finger off whilst rooting around for one in my rod bag !!!
I’ve got this one:

Small and compact, cuts through ranunculus with ease. No blade guard and dry it after use or it will corrode.
I have one I made myself, its made from a hardened steel circular saw blade cut to shape. I also made a 12 ft x 3 piece pole from a Gazebo frame , with a 3/8ths BSF threaded end, and a blade guard as well . If you want a cheap and slash proof blade guard, they are easy to make, just cut a length of plastic water pipe to length and heat it up, then flatten it .Keep the blade and threaded bits oiled and it should.last for years

I know its a bit Heath Robinson, but it works very well, as sharp as a razor and if it gets bent broken etc it matters not , costs pence and I can easily fabricate another .

However, I do like the look of the Fishing Megastore one above Terry, may just invest in one , cheap as chips and stainless with it.


David .
The dinsmores one is very sharp and has no scabbard/sheath could certainly do with one, but it’s rubbish the blade is not riveted into the plastic, mine fell apart on the first use.
I've had the Dinsmore double bladed cutter for several years now. I'd previously had the flimsier alternative that is marketed under multiple brand names. The latter is far too flimsy for the hard use I gave it. The blades bent every time I tried to cut reedmace, Norfolk reed clumps and all but the thinnest lilies.

The Dinsmore has been excellent and I'll buy another if the one I've got gives up the ghost. It sharpens very well and I've got the odd scar to prove it. However, it does not come with a guard of any kind. As yet, I've yet to find any cutter that does. The biggest snag with the double Dinsmore, as a mate I lent mine to can attest, finding one seems difficult at the moment.