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Wanted - tip section for Simpsons of Turnford Response Specialist Barbel

Chris Norwood

Active Member
Probably a long shot - I obtained a Simpsons of Turnford Response Specialist Barbel rod from Ebay a short while ago but it is missing the normal tip section. The rod was made using what I think is a 12ft Harrison three piece blank (Tryptych?) with spigot joints and is 1.75lb test (or thereabouts) with an additional quivertip section. The rod is grey carbon flat finish with maroon whipping. See attached photos.
Anybody got a normal tip section going spare?
Chris Norwood


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If it was made using Harrison blanks then just get in touch with them I would presume the mandrills are still in existence for them to make a section , they might even have something on the shelf
Could be a Quorum - 3 piece 12'.
Harrison are very helpful (Tel No 01517095981), but also try Simpsons Of Turnford - they may be willing to confirm the blank they use and take it from there. Spare tip sections usually come 'untrimmed' for you to fit and trim to get a good fit.
Hope this helps,
A very late thanks for your replies. Will give Harrisons a go. Unfortunately, Jack Simpson retired and sold up to Angling Direct some time ago. You can guess the result. Another warehouse, in a different location from the old Simpsons, trading on the name and selling mostly overpriced tat. HO Hum