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Wanted-Long Shot BIC 252 Tender/Dinghy

David Tainton

Senior Member
Hi All,
As above-want a BIC 252 dinghy (or similar) for a bit of fishing on the Thames (to get to those hard to fish areas;) ).

Cheers in advance Dave
Thanks John,
Viewing them already, finding it difficult to put the winning bid due to work/internet failure!


Dave, unless you are tiny, with very short legs, the BIC boats are very, very uncomfortable to fish from, the seating height is similar to a kayak. You'd be better looking for a John boat or a portabote if you want something to put on the car roof.

Thanks Ian!
Good point-I am not a delicate little thing:)

Looking for something to store in the garage-then launch in the Thames (French Horn has a little launch spot).

Will have a search
