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Vote for your favourite fish

Ian Murfin

Senior Member & Supporter
Vote for your favourite fish!
By Angling Times
General News
26 January 2016 11:46

Voting is underway to decide the UK’s first ever national fish species – and Angling Times readers are being urged to have their say.
The National Fish Vote is the brainchild of wildlife and underwater fish photographer Jack Perks, who said: “In total we have more than 400 species of fish in our seas, lakes and rivers around the British Isles, but currently no national fish. I want this poll to follow in the footsteps of last year’s National Bird Vote, when more than 300,000 people nominated the robin as their favourite bird.â€
Voting will be carried out through an online poll, with people having the chance to pick from 40 different species, including roach, tench and barbel, along with many saltwater species which have been shortlisted by groups of respected anglers and scientists.
Both anglers and the general public are being encouraged to vote, and the UK’s national fish will be announced once voting closes at the end of this month.
Angling Times columnist Des Taylor believes the carp will become the UK’s national fish.
“Carp fishing has really taken off in recent years and it’s a fish everyone can identify, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this species came out on top, but I am going to vote for the roach myself.
“The poll is a great idea, as it will be good to have a national fish and it will hopefully help improve the popularity of angling,†he said.
“The most recent Angling Times readers’ poll to find our favourite fish voted the tench as number one, but things can change and I’d encourage everyone to vote,†said editor-in-chief Steve Fitzpatrick.

To vote visit www.btwlfishproject.com
It's not an easy choice at all, I think I might have to vote perch. Memories of a monster that I caught when I was about 7. It must have been about 1/2lb but to me it was enormous.
Nice bit of Cod will do , but if I was to be honest a Roach, bigger the better, but my 'common as muck' Barbel would have to be up there. :)
Having briefly visited the site to vote, it would seem that the list has been reduced to ten fish, so you can only choose one of them.

Bizarrely, that list contains sticklebacks and basking sharks, the smallest of which is not a species targeted by any angler over the age of 6, and the big 'un cannot be fished for at all. Perhaps even more odd is the fact that neither carp nor barbel ARE on the list :eek:

I guess then that the list has nothing to do with anglers, in reality.

Or perhaps I have it wrong again :D:D

Cheers, Dave.
If they existed, my choice would be barbel. But as they don't, it'll have to be the humble roach. (river variants only ;) )

Having briefly visited the site to vote, it would seem that the list has been reduced to ten fish, so you can only choose one of them.

Bizarrely, that list contains sticklebacks and basking sharks, the smallest of which is not a species targeted by any angler over the age of 6, and the big 'un cannot be fished for at all. Perhaps even more odd is the fact that neither carp nor barbel ARE on the list :eek:

I guess then that the list has nothing to do with anglers, in reality.

Or perhaps I have it wrong again :D:D

Cheers, Dave.

David, the survey is aimed at the general public and was promoted by Countryfile on the BBC. As they recently had an article about sticklebacks it is hardly surprising they were included. They probably had an article about Basking Sharks as well! The survey is more likely to show how good a memory Countryfile watchers have :) If you asked members of the general public (not including Countryfile viwers) to name freshwater fish you would be lucky if they could name one! For sea fish they may be able to name the ones they see on the chip shop price list :)
Same for me JW. When a species has for 40 years influenced my choice of clubs, holidays and ultimately where I live it has to be barbel.
If I had to pick one off the list it would be a toss up between bass and roach.
Still have an affection for the now seemingly scarce shoals of humble gudgeon which got me started on the river Mole as a young kid.:)
Tench for me - I just love fishing for the enigmatic little blighters. Watching them roll over my baits at 4.30 this morning, whilst listening to a cuckoo (first of the year) with the mist still rolling over the water was simply magical.

I'm assuming carp are not on the list because they are not native to the British Isles? Mind you we have a Syrian as our Patron Saint.
Gudgeon even though it wasn't on Michaela Strachan's list . Perhaps she will call round and tell me off ....Maybe if we all voted Burbot , it would bring the spotlight on this rare creature . the Countryfile viewers would become interested, as a result the government would ***** there ears up , and before you know it we would restocking our nations rivers from the gene pool currently residing in the Pinn and the Yorkshire Derwent . Burbot the new Barbel ? They are good fighters and are members of the cod family , the perfect storm !