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Vacuum sealing Maggots

Adam Wylie

Senior Member & Supporter
Hi all,
Does anyone know if it's ok to VACUUM SEAL MAGGOTS ???
Would they then have to go in the freezer ?
I get them all the time vac frozen and keep them in a bait fridge
I’ve had them last a week but obviously best used in a day or two
If it’s very cold on the bank, you might need to take them out of the fridge the night before otherwise they won’t reanimate
I’ve made this mistake
Agree with Paul, if they have been sealed and in the fridge for more than a couple of days they can take up to 24hours to come round. However, after they have been stored that way you can then transfer then to a bait box with a little maze flour or ground bait and they will keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks. I don't understand why, but they don't swet or go smelly.
After that if any are left, back into a vacuum bag and into the freezer. They are then great for loose feed or mixing with ground bait.
After a session I always remove the dust and put maggot in bags, maximum 2 pints, squeeze all the air out and tie the top. I then put them in a bait box as second level security and into the fridge. A week later or the day before wanted I open the bag sprinkle some maize flour on and let them come back to life. If you are not going fishing you can repeat the process for another week. This process keeps the maggot in better condition than just putting them into the fridge. You can repeat every week for some time.You loose some but its minimal.
I've been quite successful using dead maggots and with care they can be used for months. Remove all the maize/sawdust and put them in a plastic bag, removing all the air. I wait until they die and then freeze them. Only put as many in a bag as you need per session (they don't re-freeze too well, going rather mushy when they defrost) Tench love them and only last week a friend of mine caught a lovely 14lb common carp on 2 x dead red maggots.