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Too much tackle?

David Craine

Senior Member & Supporter
Hi,this is not really about Barbel ,but there are similarities.
Last week I started my annual winter forays to the coast in search of Cod and Whiting,my son was with me,and as the rods ,holdalls and tripods exceed 7 ft,they were bungeed to the roof bars,to cut a long story short,on the way home a bungee snapped and the lot ended up in the dual carriageway,getting ran over by several cars.Luckily no one was hurt but there was damage caused to a brand new BMW.
I took the smashed up gear to a tackle shop for an insurance valuation,it turned out tobe in excess of £900.00......3 rods,2 tripods,brolly and holdall.
When I got home I dug out my 2nd holdall,and another couple of rods,made another tripod,and the brolly I use on the river,so ready to go until the insurance is sorted.The point is,I still have another couple of beach rods waiting in the cupboard for a trip to the coast,along with all the other gear.
This started me thinking ...why so much gear that almost never sees the light of day.If I include all my coarse rods etc,all my fly gear and all my boat fishing gear ,and my collection of cane that will never be used,the replacement cost would be astronomical.I just did not realise the value of all the stuff I have collected over the years ,especially when you consider that the insurance is for replacement of identical or nearest equivalent items.
Why do we do it.
I just did not realise the value of all the stuff I have collected over the years ,especially when you consider that the insurance is for replacement of identical or nearest equivalent items.
Why do we do it.

Because, despite the protestations from some, there's at least a bit of the tackle tart in every one of us. If it wasn't the case an awful lot of us would still be using Shakespeare Omni Match rods ;):D (or whatever the equivalent from their own childhood).
Because, despite the protestations from some, there's at least a bit of the tackle tart in every one of us. If it wasn't the case an awful lot of us would still be using Shakespeare Omni Match rods ;):D (or whatever the equivalent from their own childhood).

i've still got my old Shakespeare Omni reel:D
i've still got my old Shakespeare Omni reel:D

I suspect that my Omni Match rod is at my folks somewhere. To be fair, there's not a lot of the gear I had in the eighties that I don't know the whereabouts of.:eek: Still got an original John Wilson Avon, shame I stood on it a good ten years ago. I'm sure it'll come in dead handy for something, can't possibly chuck it away!
David Craine;This started me thinking ...why so much gear that almost never sees the light of day.If I include all my coarse rods etc said:
So that when all your gear falls off of your vehicle onto a dual carridgeway, and gets smashed, you've got something to fall back on !! :D

But i know what you mean, i've still got loads of gear, that has seen better days, but keep it because ' you never know when it's going to come in handy.

A couple of weeks back i agreed to an old rod holdall being thrown out - under protest ! the bottom was thread bare and full of holes, she wanted to throw out a few rods as well, but i put my foot down at that !:mad:

We moved a while back after over 15 years in the same house and had to be a bit ruthless. Only then did I realise just how much older gear I had up in the loft, nothing special just bog standard Shakespeare/Daiwa rods/reels, old keepnets, landing nets, rod holdalls, leaky waders etc. We had a car boot sale and EVERYTHING went, even fibreglass rods with broken top sections.
So that when all your gear falls off of your vehicle onto a dual carridgeway, and gets smashed, you've got something to fall back on !! :D

But i know what you mean, i've still got loads of gear, that has seen better days, but keep it because ' you never know when it's going to come in handy.

A couple of weeks back i agreed to an old rod holdall being thrown out - under protest ! the bottom was thread bare and full of holes, she wanted to throw out a few rods as well, but i put my foot down at that !:mad:



Your newest gear looks like it had seen better days when Isaak Walton used it :)
After bumping into Ian last night Ian i can only agree with you there:D:D
the missus said to me that i had to clear out the garage and get rid of ALL MY OLD GEAR that i didnt use. :eek: i was gutted !!!:eek:.
she said i thought more of fishing and my old gear than i did of her,and if i didnt get rid she was leaving. :eek:

you know what, i will really miss her and the sarnies she used to make,after all we had been together 28 seasons.....:p ;) :D
Hi Chris,
I stil have the old jw avon, even got the second top section with the white spliced tip never used. The avon tho is!! Will never get rid of tho, excellent float rod.
Oi :mad: nothing wrong with my gear, but buying all that fancy top brand stuff wont put fish on the bank for you. ;)

It's not the rod, it's the man holding it that counts
Ian Grant 2010
The Chairman on Tuesday

Too much tackle?

"Never!" As I firmly told a very pretty nurse in my local A&E yesterday after absent-mindedly opening a long-forgotten cupboard.

As ever,

We moved a while back after over 15 years in the same house and had to be a bit ruthless. Only then did I realise just how much older gear I had up in the loft, nothing special just bog standard Shakespeare/Daiwa rods/reels, old keepnets, landing nets, rod holdalls, leaky waders etc. We had a car boot sale and EVERYTHING went, even fibreglass rods with broken top sections.

Gavin, i notice your location is the Wirral, im in liverpool and in need of a clearout myself, what carboot sale did you use ? ive collected bits of tackle that was on offer, even if i didnt need it. Now im all out of space and need to make room for more.
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